The exams here have been graciously donated by members of MSESS. If you would like to donate an exam you have, please send an email to [email protected] with your exam or give it to an member of the MSESS exec team.
This website is intended for educational purposes only. MSESS does not claim to own any of these documents, they are the property of their respectful owners. If you feel any of the material should be taken down, please contact [email protected] and it will be taken down immediately.
On your local computer conduct the following steps:
- Create a folder for the course (named: MSE|ENSC|ECON ###) whose exams you wish to add
- Create a folder inside the course folder named Final, Homework or Midterm
- Copy the final/midterm/homework into the folder named Final/Midterm/Homework
- Rename the final/midterm/homework file to: Summer|Fall|Spring-YEAR-ANYTHING_ELSE_YOU_WANT.pdf
On github conduct the following steps: 5. Fork this repository (MSESS/exams)
In your fork (YOUR_NAME/exams) conduct the following steps:
- Click the
Upload files
button - Drag and drop the course folder (named: MSE|ENSC|ECON ### from step 1) into the drop area
- Write a good commit message and press commit changes button
- Send a pull request to the MSESS/exams repository
The folder structure and names (Caps, spacing, and info needed) are crucial. Please take a look at other exams that have already been uploaded to see how to capitalize and name files.
Updating to automatically rebuild is automated using travis. See:
99.9% of the time you wont have to do anything once you click the green merge button on the pull request in the github webgui.'s exam bank will automatically show the new exam after some time has passed. However, if you do not see a commit on the msess/ repository after merging a pull request (and you have waited), you may have to start manually updating the exam bank. Here are the instructions on how to manually update's exam bank to the current commit.
Once the new exam has been added to the MSESS/exams repository (the pull request has been accepted), you must tell the msess/ (our website's repository) to regenerate and load the new exam.
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --recursive --remote
git add exams
git commit -m "updated exam bank"
git push origin master
remember to use git status
often and google your errors.