- Securing an ASP.NET Core MVC application which uses a secure API
- Handling Access Tokens for private APIs in ASP.NET Core
- Adding HTTP Headers to improve Security in an ASP.NET MVC Core application
- ASP.NET Core OAuth Device Flow Client with IdentityServer4
- Securing an ASP.NET Core Razor Page App using OpenID Connect Code flow with PKCE
- Force ASP.NET Core OpenID Connect client to require MFA
- Send MFA signin requirement to OpenID Connect server using ASP.NET Core Identity and IdentityServer4
- Requiring MFA for Admin Pages in an ASP.NET Core Identity application
- Require user password verification with ASP.NET Core Identity to access Razor Page
Add-Migration InitialCreate -c ApplicationDbContext
2021-11-08 Update .NET 6 release
2021-11-07 Update .NET 6
2021-11-06 Update .NET 5
2021-08-19 improved security headers
2021-08-18 Updated packages, improved security headers STS
2021-05-28 Updated packages, added example for IClaimsTransformation
2021-05-15 Updated packages, fix identity email bug
2021-04-17 Updated nuget packages, improving API calls
2021-03-17 Updated nuget packages
2021-03-05 Updated nuget packages
2021-02-25 Updated nuget packages, small clean up
2021-02-17 Updated nuget packages
2021-01-19 Switching to Azure.Extensions.AspNetCore.Configuration.Secrets
2021-01-17 Updated nuget packages .NET 5.0.2
2020-12-11 Updated to .NET 5
2020-11-08 Added swagger to the API, moved to Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets
2020-11-06 Updated nuget packages, npm packages
2020-08-23 Updated nuget packages
2020-07-03 Update IdentityServer4 to V4, Updated nuget packages, update npm packages
2020-05-03 Updated nuget packages
2020-03-02 Support FIDO2 and updated nuget packages
2020-01-03 Added ASP.NET Core Identity App with MFA force
2019-12-18 Added STS acr_values parameters logic
2019-12-14 Added Require MFA client
2019-12-13 Updated to .NET Core 3.1
2019-10-11 Added example of Code Flow with PKCE for ASP.NET Core Razor Page App
2019-10-06 Updated to .NET Core 3.0
2019-05-10 Improving token handling
2019-04-30 Switch to in-process, add token expired check, Updating nuget packages, updating npm packages
2019-02-24 Updating obsolete API call code, updating npm packages
2019-02-20 Updating STS, added the OAuth Device Flow
2018-11-11 Updating Nuget packages, added feauture-policy
2018-11-10 Updated to .NET Core 2.2
2018-08-03 Updated to .NET Core 2.1.2
2018-05-08 Updated to .NET Core 2.1 rc1
2018-05-07 Updated to .NET Core 2.1 preview 2, new Identity Views, 2FA Authenticator, IHttpClientFactory, bootstrap 4.1.0