This is a poor man's conda, but so much less annoying.
Bash function gives you
> pyact 3.9
> # Switching to a python pyenv of version e.g. 3.9
> # This checks if pyenv for python 3.9 is installed and if yes it actives it and sources the venv in this directory.
> # If it is not it creates it.
(venv-python3.9) > pip install whatever # now you can pip install whatever.
(venv-python3.9) > python # and use python as expected
(venv-python3.9) > pydeact # to get out of the mess again
> # and the best:
> rm venv-python3.9 # and its gone.
This way I dont have to deal with conda and it nesting into my bashrc etc. or expecting something that does not hold for every system.
pyenv and's content in your .bashrc or .bash_functions.