v0.2.0 (2024-10-10)
Changes since v0.1.0:
- 777871d chore: update create_github_release dependency
- 8225040 build: remove semver pr label check
- 3853ff7 build: enforce conventional commit message formatting
- 3c08516 Clarify gem description and installation instructions
- 012f717 Add TargetRubyVersion in .rubocop.yml
- 4065647 Use shared Rubocop config
- 1dc115f Update copyright notice in this project
- 4a3f092 Update links in gemspec
- a4475f2 Add Slack badge for this project in README
- 28234d4 Update “Build Status” link the README
- e5b59d7 Standardize YARD and Markdown Lint configurations
- aa5851a Set JRuby —debug option when running tests in GitHub Actions workflows
- 3869e9c Integrate SimpleCov::RSpec into the project
- 4fe44a8 Use latest version of create_github_release
- a6ae0af Update continuous integration and experimental ruby builds
- 44ea99f Enforce the use of semver tags on PRs
- baabc32 Auto correct new rubocop offenses
- 8f74384 Release v0.1.0