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Openfaas Helm Chart for Magda

Version: 5.5.5-magda.2

Enable Kubernetes as a backend for OpenFaaS (Functions as a Service)

This chart is forked from Changes Summary:

  • Make it Helm 3 Compatible (Especially, how to handle CRD CustomResourceDefinition)
  • Auto create namespaces. Allows more streamlined / one step deployment via helm
  • Allow to use a different gateway / core namespace name.
  • Allow to overwrite gateway / core / function namespace name through More see

Please note: the default magda chart has included this openfaas chart. This openfaas chart is only for users who want to create their customised magda deployment chart using magda-core.

How to use

Use as a dependecies of your Magda deployment:

- name: openfaas
  version: "5.5.5-magda.2"
  repository: "oci://"
  condition: global.openfaas.enabled

Since v2.0.0, we use Github Container Registry as our official Helm Chart & Docker Image release registry.


Kubernetes: >= 1.17-0


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
alertmanager.create bool true
alertmanager.image string "prom/alertmanager:v0.18.0"
alertmanager.resources.limits.memory string "50Mi"
alertmanager.resources.requests.memory string "25Mi"
async bool true
basicAuthPlugin.image string ""
basicAuthPlugin.replicas int 1
basicAuthPlugin.resources.requests.cpu string "20m"
basicAuthPlugin.resources.requests.memory string "50Mi"
basic_auth bool true
clusterRole bool false
createFunctionNamespace bool true
createMainNamespace bool true
defaultValues.functionNamespace string "openfaas-fn"
defaultValues.mainNamespace string "openfaas"
defaultValues.namespacePrefix string ""
exposeServices bool true
faasIdler.create bool true
faasIdler.dryRun bool true
faasIdler.image string ""
faasIdler.inactivityDuration string "30m"
faasIdler.reconcileInterval string "2m"
faasIdler.replicas int 1
faasIdler.resources.requests.memory string "64Mi"
faasnetes.httpProbe bool true
faasnetes.image string ""
faasnetes.imagePullPolicy string "Always"
faasnetes.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 2
faasnetes.livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 2
faasnetes.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1
faasnetes.readTimeout string "60s"
faasnetes.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 2
faasnetes.readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 2
faasnetes.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1
faasnetes.resources.requests.cpu string "50m"
faasnetes.resources.requests.memory string "120Mi"
faasnetes.setNonRootUser bool false
faasnetes.writeTimeout string "60s"
gateway.directFunctions bool true
gateway.image string ""
gateway.logsProviderURL string ""
gateway.maxIdleConns int 1024
gateway.maxIdleConnsPerHost int 1024
gateway.nodePort int 31112
gateway.readTimeout string "65s"
gateway.replicas int 1
gateway.resources.requests.cpu string "50m"
gateway.resources.requests.memory string "120Mi"
gateway.scaleFromZero bool true
gateway.upstreamTimeout string "60s"
gateway.writeTimeout string "65s"
gatewayExternal.annotations object {}
generateBasicAuth bool false
global.openfaas object {}
httpProbe bool true
ingress.annotations."" string "nginx"
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts[0].host string "gateway.openfaas.local"
ingress.hosts[0].path string "/"
ingress.hosts[0].serviceName string "gateway"
ingress.hosts[0].servicePort int 8080
ingress.tls string nil
ingressOperator.create bool false
ingressOperator.image string ""
ingressOperator.replicas int 1
ingressOperator.resources.requests.memory string "25Mi"
istio.mtls bool false
kubernetesDNSDomain string "cluster.local" string "faas-request"
nats.enableMonitoring bool false
nats.external.clusterName string ""
nats.external.enabled bool false string ""
nats.external.port string ""
nats.image string "nats-streaming:0.17.0"
nats.resources.requests.memory string "120Mi"
oauth2Plugin.audience string ""
oauth2Plugin.authorizeURL string ""
oauth2Plugin.baseHost string ""
oauth2Plugin.clientID string "ID"
oauth2Plugin.clientSecret string "SECRET"
oauth2Plugin.cookieDomain string ""
oauth2Plugin.enabled bool false
oauth2Plugin.image string ""
oauth2Plugin.insecureTLS bool false
oauth2Plugin.jwksURL string ""
oauth2Plugin.license string "example"
oauth2Plugin.replicas int 1
oauth2Plugin.resources.requests.cpu string "50m"
oauth2Plugin.resources.requests.memory string "120Mi"
oauth2Plugin.scopes string "openid profile email"
oauth2Plugin.securityContext bool true
oauth2Plugin.tokenURL string ""
oauth2Plugin.welcomePageURL string ""
openfaasImagePullPolicy string "Always"
operator.create bool false
operator.image string ""
operator.resources.requests.cpu string "50m"
operator.resources.requests.memory string "120Mi"
prometheus.create bool true
prometheus.image string "prom/prometheus:v2.11.0"
prometheus.resources.requests.memory string "512Mi"
psp bool false
queueWorker.ackWait string "60s"
queueWorker.durableQueueSubscription bool false
queueWorker.gatewayInvoke bool true
queueWorker.image string ""
queueWorker.queueGroup string "faas"
queueWorker.replicas int 1
queueWorker.resources.requests.cpu string "50m"
queueWorker.resources.requests.memory string "120Mi"
rbac bool true
securityContext bool true
serviceType string "NodePort"
tolerations list []