schema based object encoding/decoding using varstruct that supports strings, booleans etc
npm install objectstruct
var ostruct = require('objectstruct')
var example = ostruct({
hello: 'string',
list: [{ // [type] donates an array
a: 'boolean',
b: 'number', // you can also set DoubleBE etc
c: 'integer' // uses a varint
data: 'bytes' // expect a Buffer object
foo: { // a nested object
bar: 'boolean'
var buf = example.encode({
hello: 'world',
list: [{
a: true,
b: 10.0,
c: 10000
}, {
b: 1
foo: {
bar: true
data: new Buffer('test')
console.log(buf) // prints a buffer
var parsed = example.decode(buf)
console.log(parsed) // prints an object similar to above
In addition to the encodings supported by varstruct (UInt32BE
the following encodings/aliases are supported as well
Use [some-type]
in the schema declaration to specify an array
The following default values are using if your encoded objects misses a property specified in the schema
string = ""
boolean = false
bytes = new Buffer(0)
number = 0
(same for all numbers)array = []
object = {}