Events are classes that implement such interface:
interface IEvent<K extends keyof ClientEvents> {
event: K;
once?: boolean;
execute: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => Promise<void>;
Slash Commands are classes that implement such interface:
interface ISlashCommand {
isGlobal?: boolean; // Should commands be registered globally?
guildsToRegister?: string[]; // If isGlobal is false - where bot should register commands
ownerOnly?: boolean; // Only owner command?
requiredUserPermissions?: PermissionsString[]; // Permissions required from command author
requiredBotPermissions?: PermissionsString[]; // Permissions required from bot
data: SlashCommandBuilder; // Discord.JS Slash Command Builder
execute: (
interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
client?: BotClient
) => Promise<void>;
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