StringShare is a distributed social media network where anyone can create a StringShare instance for their own community, while all StringShare instances communicate with each other to form a larger distributed network.
Clone this repository into two separate directories (e.g. /stringshare and /stringshare-otu)
To run the instance (run in respective directory):
On first run:
docker compose up --build
docker compose up
To run the instance (run in respective directory):
On first run:
docker compose -f docker-compose-ontariotechu.yaml up --build
docker compose -f docker-compose-ontariotechu.yaml up
- Once the servers are running, go to http://localhost:8080/docs ( and http://localhost:8081/docs ( for API documentation and endpoints
- Execute the '/reset_database' endpoint in both to init the database with mock data
- Click the 'Authorize' button in the top right, and log in using any of the usernames (you can find them in the
file, and the passwords are all 'a')
The servers will take a few seconds to start. If they don't, you can manually start them in the Docker desktop app.
Once the servers are running, you can run the mobile apps and connect: