Simple Go caching library with built-in Memcached support. It wraps a getter function and caches its results.
go get
By default, support for Memcached caching method is added. To use it, it is required to download and run the Memcached. Cacher uses rainycape/memcache library as a client.
- Create new Cacher using a Memcached client with 10 seconds expiration and
mc, err := memcache.New("")
c := cacher.NewCacher[string, int](
memcached.NewMemcached[int](mc, 10),
- Get value
value, err := c.Get(ctx, "key")
Core (Cacher) code of the library is open to use with other caching mechanisms by passing a structure fulfilling the Cache
type Cache[K comparable, T any] interface {
Get(ctx context.Context, key K) (T, error)
Set(ctx context.Context, key K, value T) error
Note: ErrNoKey should be returned by Get method if the key is not present.