Currently, I'm working as a Ruby on Rails Developer. Below, you can check out some of my side projects that I made for fun over the past few years:
- - ChronLife - Full-stack social platform for people with chronic diseases.
- - Silent Dose - App for tracking dietary supplement intake.
- - Project Management - Simple project management system with GraphQL API.
- - IT job board - REST API job posting platform.
- - Cookbook - group project done during onsite Rails academy.
- - ToiletPeek - real-time ESP32 + NestJS + data streaming.
- - IT job board - front-end for my IT job board API made with the Next.js 13.5.
- - TechHub - global freelance network for engineers.
- - Windows 10 explorer clone - I recreated the Windows Explorer 1:1.
- - Pathfinding in the store - app for finding the shortest path in the store.
- - Square breathing - app for practising square breathing technique.
- - CardistryStats - social platform connecting people shuffling cards.
- - Sorting algorithms - app visualizing basic sorting algorithms.
- - Dev blog - personal blog about what I learned.
- - No Bullsh*t Git - my take on explaining fundamental Git concepts.
- - Electronics store - full-stack project with back-end made in PL/pgSQL.
You can take a look at the UI on some of my side projects below.