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Node.js CI Coverage Status code style: prettier

MediaWiki API client written in node.js



Using npm

npm install nodemw

Or Download the latest stable version via GitHub.

Development version

git clone


  • HTTP requests are stored in the queue and performed in parallel with limited number of "threads" (i.e. there's no risk of flooding the server)
  • articles creation / edit / move / delete
  • file uploads (using given content or via provided URL)
  • Special:Log processing
  • listing articles in categories
  • and much more
  • getting claims from WikiData

Where it's used

First script

An example script can be found in /examples directory.

cd examples
node pagesInCategory.js

You can enter debug mode by setting DEBUG enviromental variable:

DEBUG=1 node examples/pagesInCategory.js

You can enter dry-run mode (all "write" operations like edits and uploads will be disabled) by setting DRY_RUN environmental variable (or dryRun entry in the config):

DRY_RUN=1 node examples/pagesInCategory.js

Running unit tests

npm test

How to use it?

Creating a bot instance

var bot = require("nodemw");

// pass configuration object
var client = new bot({
  protocol: "https", // Wikipedia now enforces HTTPS
  server: "", // host name of MediaWiki-powered site
  path: "/w", // path to api.php script
  debug: false, // is more verbose when set to true

client.getArticle("foo", function (err, data) {
  // error handling
  if (err) {

  // ...

Config file

nodemw can use config files as well as objects directly provided to bot object constructor.

// read config from external file
var client = new bot("config.js");

Config file is a JSON-encoded object with the following fields (see /examples/config-DIST.js file):

      "protocol": "https",  // default to 'http'
      "server": "",  // host name of MediaWiki-powered site
      "path": "/w",                  // path to api.php script
      "debug": false,                // is more verbose when set to true
      "username": "foo",             // account to be used when logIn is called (optional)
      "password": "bar",             // password to be used when logIn is called (optional)
      "domain" : "",     // domain to be used when logIn is called (optional)
      "userAgent": "Custom UA",      // define custom bot's user agent
      "concurrency": 5               // how many API requests can be run in parallel (defaults to 3)

Making direct API calls

nodemw allows you make direct calls to MediaWiki API (example querying Semantic MediaWiki API):

var bot = require("nodemw"),
  client = new bot({
    server: "",
    path: "/w",
  params = {
    action: "ask",
      "[[Modification date::+]]|?Modification date|sort=Modification date|order=desc",
  params /* api.php parameters */,
  function (
    err /* Error instance or null */,
    info /* processed query result */,
    next /* more results? */,
    data /* raw data */,
  ) {
    console.log(data && data.query && data.query.results);

Bot methods

The last parameter of each function in nodemw API is a callback which will be fired when the requested action is done.

Callbacks use node.js style - err is always passed as the first argument.

bot.logIn(username, password, callback)

Log-in using given credentials - read more

bot.getCategories(prefix, callback)

Gets the list of all categories on a wiki


Gets the list of all pages from the main namespace (excludes redirects) - read more

bot.getPagesInCategory(category, callback)

Gets the list of pages in a given category - read more

bot.getPagesInNamespace(namespace, callback)

Gets the list of pages in a given namespace - read more

bot.getPagesByPrefix(prefix, callback)

Gets the list of pages by a given prefix - read more

bot.getPagesTranscluding(page, callback)

Gets the list of pages that transclude the given pages - read more

bot.getArticle(title, [redirect,] callback)

Gets article content and redirect info - read more

bot.getArticleRevisions(title, callback)

Gets all revisions of a given article - read more

bot.getArticleCategories(title, callback)

Gets all categories a given article is in - read more

bot.getArticleInfo(title, callback)

Gets all info of a given article - read more

bot.edit(title, content, summary, minor, callback)

Creates / edits an article (and mark the edit as minor if minor is set to true) - read more

bot.append(title, content, summary, callback)

Adds given content to the end of the page - read more

bot.prepend(title, content, summary, callback)

Adds given content to the beginning of the page - read more

bot.addFlowTopic(title, topic, content, callback)

Add a Flow topic - read more

bot.delete(title, reason, callback)

Deletes an article - read more

bot.purge(titles, callback)

Purge a given list of articles (titles or page IDs can be provided) - read more

By providing Category:Foo as titles argument you can purge all pages in a given category (available since MW 1.21)

bot.protect(title, protections, options, callback)

Protect a page (A title or page ID can be provided) - read more

The protections value is an Array of protection information in the format:

    action: string,
    level?: string = 'all',
    expiry?: string | number = 'never'

Calls to the Protect endpoint are not additive. Each call must include a list of all intended protections, including any already in place. Each call will replace all existing protections.

bot.sendEmail(username, subject, text, callback)

Send an email to an user - read more

bot.getToken(title, action, callback)

Returns token required for a number of MediaWiki API operations - read more / for MW 1.24+


Gets information about current bot's user (including rights and rate limits) - read more

bot.whois(username, callback)

Gets information about a specific user (including rights, current block, groups) - read more

bot.whoare(usernames, callback)

Gets information about specific users (including rights, current block, groups) - read more

bot.createAccount(username, password, callback)

Create account using given credentials - read more

bot.move(from, to, summary, callback)

Moves (aka renames) given article - read more


Gets list of all images on a wiki

bot.getImageUsage(filename, callback)

Gets list of all articles using given image

bot.getImagesFromArticle(title, callback)

Get list of all images that are used on a given page - read more

bot.getImageInfo(filename, callback)

Gets metadata (including uploader, size, dimensions and EXIF data) of given image

bot.getLog(type, start, callback)

Get entries form Special:Log - read more

bot.expandTemplates(content, title, callback)

Returns XML with preprocessed wikitext - read more

bot.parse(content, title, callback)

Returns parsed wikitext - read more

bot.fetchUrl(url, callback)

Makes a GET request to provided resource and returns its content.

bot.getRecentChanges(start, callback)

Returns entries from recent changes (starting from a given point)

bot.getSiteInfo(props, callback)

Returns site information entries - read more

bot.getSiteStats(props, callback)

Returns site statistics (number of articles, edits etc) - read more


Returns the version of MediaWiki given site uses - read more

client.getQueryPage(queryPage, callback)

Returns entries from QueryPage-based special pages

bot.upload(filename, content, summary /* or extraParams */, callback)

Uploads a given raw content as a File:[filename] - read more

bot.uploadByUrl(filename, url, summary /* or extraParams */, callback)

Uploads a given external resource as a File:[filename]

bot.uploadVideo(fileName, url, callback)

Uploads a given video as a File:[filename] (Wikia-specific API)

bot.getTemplateParamFromXml(tmplXml, paramName)

Gets a value of a given template parameter from article's preparsed content (see expandTemplates)

bot.getExternalLinks(title, callback)

Gets all external links used in article

bot.getBacklinks(title, callback)

Gets all articles that links to given article, callback)

Performs a search


bot.getConfig(key, def)

Gets config entry value (returns def value if not found)

bot.setConfig(key, val)

Sets config entry value

bot.diff(old, current)

Returns a diff colored using ANSI colors (powered by diff)

Wikia-specific bot methods

They're grouped in bot.wikia "namespace".


Get wiki-specific settings (like ThemeDesigner colors and hubs).

bot.wikia.getUser(userId, callback)

Get information (avatar, number of edits) about a given user

bot.wikia.getUsers(userIds, callback)

Get information (avatar, number of edits) about a given set of users (by their IDs)

This API is Promise-based, use await keyword.


const wikidata = require("nodemw/lib/wikidata");
const client = new wikidata();

// Where is Saksun, Faroe Islands located?
const geo = await client.getEntityClaim(
  "Q928875" /* Saksun */,
  "P625" /* place location */,

// will give you the geolocation of the place
  latitude: 62.248888888889,
  longitude: -7.1758333333333,

// When was Albert Einstein born?
const res = await client.getArticleClaims("Albert Einstein");

const dateOfBirth = res.P569[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value;

const dateOfDeath = res.P570[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value;

// interwiki links for a given artlice
const links = await client.getArticleSitelinks("Albert Einstein");
console.log(links.enwiki); // {site: "enwiki", title: "Albert Einstein", badges: ["Q17437798"]}

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time