- Git
- Keep your history clean
- Work with the history : merge and rebase
- Git flow & workflow
- Pull Requests aand code review
- Useful commands
- Virtualization : OS vs application
- How Docker works
- How to use Docker
- docker-compose
- Coding style & PHP-CS-Fixer
- PhpStorm
- Composer
- Insight
- Blackfire
- Behat and functionnal testing
- PhpUnit and unit testing
- How to mock an API
docker-compose run --rm node yarn install
# Generate slides from .md to .html once
docker-compose run --rm node npm run-script slides
yarn install
npm run-script slides
docker-compose run --rm node npm run-script slides-watch-git
docker-compose run --rm node npm run-script slides-watch-docker
# There is no watcher on images, for the moment
docker-compose run --rm node npm run-script images
# Or :
npm run-script slides-watch-git
npm run-script slides-watch-docker
Boot the web container
docker-compose up -d web
Access the web
docker container on the 80 port : http://web.rtfm.docker, or access http://localhost:8765 .
Open the HTML file in your browser.
Generated files :
You can turn on presentator mode using the following shortcut keys :
c : open a synced version in a new tab
p : switch to presentator mode
Print clean git network
git log --graph --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --all