TwitVis is a tool for visualizing locations of tweets about a specific topic over time. The output is a number of images which can be used standalone or combined using ffmpeg
to show the development as a video.
ffmpeg, R and Ruby.
Before monitoring, an Rserve server must be started. This can be done using the simple server.R
> R --vanilla -f 'server.R'
For plotting tweets about 'sochi' and 'olympics' to the output directory plots
> ruby twit_vis.rb -r -t sochi,olympics -o plots
For plotting historical tweets about 'olympics' to the output directory plots
> ruby twit_vis.rb -h -t olympics -o plots
For generating a video, use the
shell script with the output dir:
> ./ plots
An optional frame rate can be given as the second argument (here a frame rate of 10):
> ./ plots 10