An awesome a music-sharing platform, designed to foster community engagement and discovery.
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We like to share our music and we like to stream coding music while we work. But we don’t have our own radio station to share and discover music that resonates with the community.
Introducing our app, a music-sharing platform integrated with Spotify, designed to foster community engagement and discovery. Each day, a selection of songs from our extensive database is randomly curated and added to a Spotify playlist, accessible via a widget embedded within our app. Users can return daily to explore fresh tracks recommended by fellow community members.
While our app is publicly available, exclusive access to certain features, such as song submissions, is reserved for community members. Authentication is seamlessly facilitated through Slack, leveraging the Sign in with Slack feature. Team members are authenticated based on their membership within the designated Slack workspace. Upon authentication, users gain access to the song submission feature, where they can contribute to expanding our music database by providing song details and URL.
- Christina Mifsud: Github - LinkedIn - Email
- Irianni Munoz: Github - LinkedIn - Email
- Mandy Cheung: Github - LinkedIn - Email
- Man Sang Sin: Github - LinkedIn - Email
Project Link:
The Slack API enables secure authentication, verifying users' team membership before granting access to additional features.
The Spotify API facilitates seamless integration, allowing our app to dynamically generate and update playlists based on community submissions.
We employ JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to facilitate secure transmission of user data between frontend and backend components. Following industry best practices, JWTs are issued upon user authentication, enabling subsequent requests without exposing sensitive tokens
To get a local copy up and running follow these not-so-simple steps.
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
- Install ngrok
- Create a Slack app
- Create a Spotify app
- Create a Postgresql database
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages and dependencies for both client and server
npm install
- Create .env variable file in client directory
- VITE_SLACK_WORKSPACE_NAME is a string variable which is displayed in the header
- Create .env variable file in server directory
# spotify credentials
# slack credentials
# database credentials
# jwt variables
# addresses
In order to get these credentials, go to your Spotify app and copy them from settings section. (For more details, click here:
Create a playlist on Spotify and paste the playlist id here
Go to your Slack App and copy them here. (For more details, click here:
To get this you need to login to your Slack workspace, click on the account you intend to make the admin. Click three dots and copy the member ID.
You can find the workspace name in the slack url of your workspace. It is your workspace or organisation name followed by the domain (For more details, click here:
This string variable is used to encode and decode/verify the JSON Web Tokens used in the backend server only allowing authorised users to access certain endpoints.
Note: A seed file is available in the server/data directory. This will create 2 tables:
The tracks table stores songs and information about the artists as well as the unique track id and the username of the user who submitted it.
It has 6 columns consisting of:
- id: which is automatically generated when a new song is added
- song_name: add the title of your chosen song
- artist_name: add the name of the artist of your chosen song
- cyf_slack_username (optional): add your slack username
- song_genre (optional): add the gene of your chosen song
- spotify_song_id: on Spotify, click on your chosen song, and from the browser copy the highlighted bit from the example below:
The refresh tokens table stores (you guessed it!) the refresh token provided by spotify which can then be exchanged for a new access token. It has 2 columns consisting of:
- id: which is automatically generated when a refresh token is added
- refresh_token: refresh token provided by Spotify.
Told you they weren't simple. Well done on getting so far! It would be rude to stop now, follow the next few steps to get the project up and running 🚀
start the project
Refer to Running the project locally
login as admin user
Under the maintenance section:
click Get Access and Refresh Token (This will populate the refresh tokens table in the database)
To start:
- Go to Client folder and enter in terminal:
npm run dev
- Go to Server folder and enter:
npm start
- Start ngrok:
ngrok http 3001
- Copy the forwarding URL from ngrok CLI, it’ll look something like this:
- Append /slack/oauth_redirect to this URL i.e.
- Paste into env file SLACK_REDIRECT_URI
- Go to and go to Oauth and Permissions tab and paste into Redirect URLs.
- Go to http://localhost:3001 to access the backend.
- Go to http://localhost:5173 to access the frontend.
How to update the playlist There’s a button for this sitting on the front page
How to add songs to the database User needs to be logged in for the add songs form to be shown
- Create a scheduled script to automate the playist update process
- Display previous daily playlists
- Display how many users added a specific track
- View tracks added by a specific user
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
- Commit your Changes
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
- Push to the Branch
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
- Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.