This Symfony bundle serves as a tiny wrapper for the Azure Active Directory Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client. You can find additional documentation in the official repository.
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
symfony composer require m4n50n/oauth2-azure-bundle
Enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php
file of your project.
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
M4n50n\OAuth2AzureBundle\OAuth2AzureBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Configure the bundle in the config/packages/oauth2_azure.yaml
# config/packages/oauth2_azure.yaml
clientId: "%env(AUTH_CLIEN_ID)%"
clientSecret: "%env(AUTH_CLIENT_PASS)%"
tenant: "%env(AUTH_TENANT)%"
redirectUri: "%env(AUTH_REDIRECT_URI)%"
# Optional
redirectToUrl: "%env(bool:AUTH_REDIRECT_TO_URL)%" # Activate redirect after authentication
redirectUrl: "%env(AUTH_REDIRECT_URL)%" # URL to redirect after authentication
# .env
If you want the configuration / environment files to be created automatically inside your /config
folder, you can include my private Symfony Flex recipes repository in your composer.json
by adding the following configuration:
"extra": {
"symfony": {
"endpoint": [
Inject OAuth2AzureFactory into your Service or Controller, and call the getAuth() method with Request as an argument.
If the redirectToUrl configuration parameter exists and has a true value, it will be redirected to the redirectUrl set after authentication. Otherwise, an AuthResponse object will be returned, containing the getOwnerData() method, which returns the data of the Azure-authenticated account.
use M4n50n\OAuth2AzureBundle\Factory\OAuth2AzureFactory;
final class LoginController extends AbstractController
public function __construct(private OAuth2AzureFactory $OAuth2AzureFactory)
#[Route(path: '/login/azure', name: 'login_azure', methods: ['GET'])]
public function user_azureLoginRequest(JWTTokenManagerInterface $JWTManager, UserPasswordHasherInterface $userPasswordHasher)
try {
// ...
$auth = $this->OAuth2AzureFactory->getAuth($this->request);
$ownerData = $auth->getOwnerData();
/* It returns an array with the following structure:
$ownerData = [
"aud" => "c3db02f0-401c-452c......",
"iss" => "",
"iat" => 1360114,
"profileImage" => "", // base64_encode of the image binary
"email":"[email protected]",
"name":"Jose Garcia",
// ... (other fields)
// ...
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
// ...
// ...
This wrapper defines the following methods:
- Class
starts the user authentication flow. - Class
returns the entire bundle configuration object. - Class
returns if there has been an error in the authentication process.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
See SECURITY for more information.
Please see the LICENSE included in this repository for a full copy of the MIT license, which this project is licensed under.