phpcomplete-extended is a fast, extensible, context aware autocomplete plugin for PHP composer projects. Initially it reads autoload classmap of a composer project, parses doc-comments of each class and creates index from them. After that it auto updates index as you type thanks to vimproc.vim plugin. Besides autocomplete this plugin have several code inspection features,
- Includes full core PHP documentation
- See documentation of current word, be it class name, method or property. It is context aware.
- Go to definition of a symbol. Also context aware.
- Automatically add use statement of current completed word. Also added plugin command of this action.
- If unite.vim plugin installed following sources are available,
: Lists PHP files of the project.phpcomplete/vendors
: Lists vendor directoriesphpcomplete/extends
: Lists classes that extends the class guessed from the current cursor word.phpcomplete/implements
: Lists classes that implements the class guessed from the current cursor word.
The plugin depends on following plugins,
- vimproc.vim : Asynchronous library for vim. Required for auto-update index. C compiler is needed to build the plugiin. For windows install cygwin or msys to get the compiler.
- unite.vim: Optional, but enables some good features.
Plugin managers are recommended for installing these plugins. Installation instructions for various plugin managers are given bellow.
Issue following commands.
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vimproc.vim
cd ~/.vim/bundle/vimproc.vim
cd ..
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/unit.vim
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/phpcomplete-extended
Put these lines in .vimrc
and issue source %
NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc', {
\ 'build' : {
\ 'windows' : 'make -f make_mingw32.mak',
\ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak',
\ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak',
\ 'unix' : 'make -f make_unix.mak',
\ },
\ }
NeoBundle 'Shougo/unite.vim'
NeoBundle 'm2mdas/phpcomplete-extended'
"your other plugins
If C compiler found for respective environment, neobundle
will automatically
compile the library.
Put following lines in .vimrc
and issue :BundleInstall
Bundle 'Shougo/vimproc'
Bundle 'Shougo/unite.vim'
Bundle 'm2mdas/phpcomplete-extended'
"your other plugins
After installation goto vimproc
folder and issue make
command from command
line. C compiler must be installed.
To enable omni complete add following line to .vimrc
autocmd FileType php setlocal omnifunc=phpcomplete_extended#CompletePHP
Then issuing <C-X><C-O>
in insert mode will open the completion pop-up menu.
This plugin is tested in Windows and Linux. It should work in OSX also.
For now this plugin supports Composer PHP projects.
Upon detecting a composer project the plugin scans classmap generated by php composer.phar dumpautoload --optimize
command. By default composer command is
set to php composer.phar
. The command can be changed by setting
global variable.
The plugin is dependent on @var
, @param
, @return
doc-comments to give proper context aware
autocomplete. So documenting your class will help tremendously. It does not
analyse full class. Just parses the variable declaration to get the relevant
tokens. Does not provide autocomplete suggestion if there is error in code.
Indexing may take some time depending on project size. To decrease index creation time I
would recommend disabling xdebug extension in cli. To do that go to the location
where php.ini
resides and copy the php.ini
file as php-cli.ini
and comment
out the xdebug line. To verify issue php -m | grep xdebug
in commandline.
For configuration reference see helpdoc.
Neocomplete support is built-in and my preferred autocomplete plugin. It needs vim with lua bindings. To know more about installation refer to the plugin repository.
Minimal configuration for supertab support,
autocmd FileType php setlocal omnifunc=phpcomplete_extended#CompletePHP
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-x><c-o>"
If omnifunc
set the omni completer of YouCompleteMe
should get the completion
candidates. I haven't tested it though.
Phpcomplete Extended pluign exposes api hooks so that it can be possible to
provide framework specific autocomplete suggestion. For example facades in
laravel, DIC services in Symfony2 etc. The plugin api divided in two part, PHP
and vim
. PHP part is responsible for creating index related to the framework,
and vim part is responsible for providing autocomplete menu entries based on the
index. For reference see
phpcomplete-extended-laravlel plugins.
MIT licensed.
This plugin would not be possible without the works of Shougo, shawncplus, tpope, vim-jp, thinca and many others.