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floriandenk edited this page Jan 4, 2019 · 13 revisions

The electret microphones require a supply voltage of 2 to 10 volts, and the signals they output need to be amplified in order to match the dynamic range of the analog-to-digital converter. Unfortunately, we did not find a sufficiently mobile and affordable consumer product for this purpose. These instructions describe our own semi-custom solution, which you can build up based on a commercially available kit, or put together yourself from scratch. We provide the ordering information for the parts we used, which were delivered by stores located in Germany.

Corresponding author: Florian Denk

Stereo-preamp for 2-Pin electret condenser microphones

The device is optimized for the Roland CS-10EM Binaural Microphones/Earphones, however it can be operated with any two-pin electret microphone that is functional with 9V supply voltage.

The amplifiers are modified from a complete kit available at ELV as shown in the Figure below ((C) ELV, published with kind permission based on

We recommend to replace the delivered IC by a Texas Instruments OPA 2134, which has the same layout but provides superior noise levels and THD. The gain of the 2-stage amplifier can be adjusted by the resistor R11.

The gain is computed by G = (1+R6/R5) * R11/R10 = 11 * R11/1kΩ

Gain 20 dB 25 dB 30 dB 35 dB 40 dB
R11 / kΩ 0.901 1.617 2.875 5.112 9.091


  • See the supplied manual. For correct configuration, the bridges BR1 should be closed and BR2 left open.
  • For a stereo amplifier, two amplifiers can be placed in one housing
  • External Connections:
    • Input: 1x 3.5 mm stereo jack female (connection to microphones). Tip: Microphone 1 signal, Ring: Microphone 2 signal, Sleeve: Ground
    • Output: 50 cm stereo Cinch cable male (to soundcard). Make sure there is a cable relief!
    • Put both to short side of the housing
  • Internal connections:
    • Battery: ST1 / ST2, both amplifiers in parallel
    • Connection to microphones: Tip: Microphone 1/left signal (-> ST4, Amp 1), Ring: Microphone 2/right (-> ST4, Amp 2), Sleeve: Ground (-> ST5 Amp 1 + Amp 2),
    • Connection to Soundcard: white cinch cable: Signal to ST6, Ground to ST7 (both Amp 1/left). red cinch cable: Signal to ST6, Ground to ST7 (both Amp 2/right). A length of 50 cm is usually sufficient.
    • ST3 not connected on either amp.
  • 1x 9V Block battery. Capacity is 500-700 mAh, should last about 20 h
  • It is handy to use an operation LED parallel to the voltage supply
  • A one-channel switch of the positive voltage terminal of the battery is sufficient

Additional information

  • The amplifier inverts the signal
  • The supply voltage is delivered to the signal port of the microphone. Make sure the particular electret microphone is compatible with the supply voltage of the amplifier.
  • The maximum output voltage amplitude of the amplifier is a bit less than half the supply voltage – keep this in mind when setting the gain
  • Consider the sensitivity of your soundcard when setting the amplifier gain, we recommend to allow for 120 dB SPL - the microphone itself generates about 0.01V for 94 dB SPL, and 0.2V for 120 dB SPL.

Finished Device

Pre-amplifier assembled

Components per Box Units required Unit price Price
Microphone amplifier set incl. PCB 2 6 € 12 €
Additional SMD resistor, cables, solder 2 0.5 € 1 €
Texas Instruments OPA 2134 Operational Amplifier (Make sure the layout is compatible with the PCB) 2 3 € 6 €
Jack socket, cinch cable 1 5 € 5 €
Housing 1 2 € 2 €
--- --- --- ---
Total 26 €
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