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Eeprom emulation using external flash on Particle devices. Includes unit tests cross compiled to regular gcc, and on-device integration tests.


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Eeprom emulation using external flash on the Spark Core. Includes unit tests cross compiled to regular gcc, and on-device integration tests.

Elevator Pitch

This library allows client code to write to the external flash as if it were EEPROM. It takes care of performing erases when required to ensure data is written correctly. 3 storage schemes are provided that offer different trade-offs in storage efficiency for increased number of write cycles over the lifetime of the device.

Key features:

  • Provides persistent storage using the external flash on the Soark Core, and Particle P1, and emulated EEPROM on the Photon.
  • EEPROM-like access - (byte erasable) no need to worry about erasing pages to ensure data integrity.
  • 3 different types of eeprom emulations providing speed/erase cycle tradeoff.
  • Wear leveling and page allocation on demand for increased endurance
  • Circular buffers for logs, temporary data etc.
  • Stream access to the storage for convenient read and write of multiple values.
  • File System support: a FAT filesystem can be stored in a region of flash.

Getting Started

Setting up your environment

  • If you're using the online IDE, click on "libraries", then "flashee-eeprom", then "Include in app", and finally select the app you want to use the library with. This will automatically add the include directive to bring in the library header file.

  • If you're compiling locally using the core-firmware makefile, clone the github repo to the same folder that contains core-firmware (so core-firmware and spark-flashee-eeprom in the same folder on your machine.).

  • edit core-firmware\src\ and add these additional lines:

   INCLUDE_DIRS += ../spark-flashee-eeprom/firmware
   CPPSRC += ../spark-flashee-eeprom/firmware/flashee-eeprom.cpp
   CPPSRC += ../spark-flashee-eeprom/firmware/ff.cpp

Using the library

To use the library in application code, include the header file and import the namespace, like this:

In the online IDE:

    #include "flashee-eeprom/flashee-eeprom.h"
    using namespace Flashee;

Local build:

    #include "flashee-eeprom.h"
    using namespace Flashee;

To gain access to the services of flashee, you use the Devices class, which provides methods for creating the various flash devices available. You typically call a Devices method in setup() and store the result in a global pointer. The method createDefaultStore() provides EEPROM-like access to the persistent storage on the device.

    FlashDevice* flash;

    void setup() {
        flash = Devices::createDefaultStore();

Data is read and written like this:

    int value;
    flash->read(value, 10); // read value from address 10
    value += 20;
    flash->write(value, 10);    // increment and write back

Any kind of data can be written. For writing strings, use writeString

    flash->writeString("I am Spartacus", 10);

Particle Photon

The persistent storage provided by flashee uses the 2Kbytes of emulated EEPROM already present in the Particle firmware. The main purpose of this is to make it easy to port code between platofrms, in cases where code needs to be proted to the Photon, and the small size of the persistent memory isn't an issue for the target application.

Spark Core / Particle P1

The Spark Core has 1.5MByte of usable external flash memory. The Particle P1 has 1MByte.

On these systems, the library offers more control over the type of EEPROM-emulation used. On these devices. The memory created by calling createDefaultStore() is the same as

    FlashDevice* flash = Devices::createAddressErase();

This reserves the first 1MByte in the external flash for a memory device that provides byte-level erases. This offers the best erase cycle count at the cost of an 8x overhead in storage. This scheme gives a maximum of 128Kb of storage.

If you need more than 128Kb of rewritable storage (available on the Spark Core), the next step down the endurance ladder is the wear leveling scheme:

    FlashDevice* flash = Devices::createWearLevelErase();

This uses wear leveling to spread the erases out over the flash region. Endurance an order of magnitude less than the address erase scheme above, but is potentially 1-2 orders of magnitude better than manually erasing and writing directly to flash. This scheme has much less overhead, and can offer up to 1MB of storage.

The key difference between flash and eeprom is that with flash memory you cannot normally erase a single byte, but have to erase a whole page. This library takes care of that, and presents an interface to the flash device that makes it behave like eeprom, which does support rewrites of data without having to perform a page erase.

Circular Buffers

The library provides a circular buffer implementation that allows data to be written to a storage device and subsequently read out again.

To create a circular buffer, specify the start and end address (as usual, these should be on page boundaries):

    CircularBuffer* buffer = Devices::createCircularBuffer(4096*256, 4096*384);

This will create a circular buffer from page 256 through to page 384 (0.5MB).

Writing to the buffer:

    MyStruct data = ...;
    bool success = buffer->write(&data, sizeof(data));

If there is not room in the buffer for the complete block, the call fails and returns false.

Reading from the buffer:

    MyStruct data = ...;
    bool success = buffer->read(&data, sizeof(data));

Data is read from the buffer in the same sequence it was written.

To determine how much data can be read from or written to the buffer:

    page_size_t can_read = buffer->available();
    page_size_t maximum = buffer->capacity();
    page_size_t can_store = buffer->free();

Note that the buffer is just a large block of bytes. It is up to the caller to be sure that the way the data is retrieved is compatible with how it was stored.

Normally, the buffer is all or nothing - if the requested number of bytes cannot be read or written, then no bytes are read or written. There are 'soft' variants of the read/write methods that allow less than the specified number of bytes to be read/written.

Note that although the circular buffer storage is in flash, the data is essentially non-persistent. On reset, a new buffer is created which ignores the data in flash.


The streaming classes provide a higher-level access to the storage. For example:

    FlashDevice* device = Devices::createWearLevelErase();
    FlashWriter writer(device);
    writer.writeString("Hello World");

And this data can then be read back later:

    FlashDevice* device = Devices::createWearLevelErase();
    FlashReader reader(device);
    char buf[50];
    int answer = reader.readInt();

File System

Flashee includes support for storing a FAT filesystem in an area of flash. The FAT support is provided by fatfs library.

To set side a region of flash for file storage, use the createFATRegion() function:

   FATFS fs;
   FRESULT result = Devices::createFATRegion(0, 4096*384, &fs);
   if (result==FR_OK) {
        // FS ok - use fatfs functions to read/write to the filesystem

This allocates area of flash for a FAT filesystem. The default behaviour is to format the region,, if it is not recognized as a valid FAT filesystem. This can be controlled via the 4th parameter to the function.

Since it's based on Flashee's eraseable storage, the filesystem is fully rewritable. See the FileXXX.cpp examples for more details on using fatfs with flashee.

Coding tips

  • The main API to the library is provided by the Devices class, which is a factory for obtaining various flash-access devices, and the FlashDevice abstract base class, which defines the operations of a flash device.

  • The spark external flash has 384 pages, each 4096 bytes in size and is managed as the device provided via the Devices::userFlash() method. Rather than hard-code these page count and page size constants, you can make the code more flexible for future changes by using Devices::userFlash().pageSize() and Devices::userFlash().pageCount().

  • when writing data to a device, try to write in as few blocks as possible (particularly if the data is overwriting previously eritten data). This will reduce the number of erases performed by the library, particularly for the wear leveling scheme. When using the Address Erase strategy, then byte by byte writes are fine.

  • At present, the maximum contiguous area that the Wear Leveling and Address Erase schemes can occupy is 1MB (256 pages). This is to keep runtime memory overhead to a minimum. This restriction may later be relaxed. For now, A workaround for accessing more than 1MB is to create more than one device, specifying non-overlapping regions for each device. This 1MB limitation is not present for circular buffers, nor for the Single Page Wear scheme.

  • It's possible to create several different devices and have them all active at once, so long as they are in separate regions. For example

    FlashDevice* eeprom = Devices::createAddressErase(0, 256*4096);
    CircularBuffer* logBuffer = Devices::createCircularBuffer(256*4096, 384*4096);

This creates a byte erasable eeprom device in the first 1MB, and a circular buffer in the final 0.5MB.


This Flashee-Eeprom library contains unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests are compiled using GCC and run on the host platform. Integration tests are executed on the embedded device.

Unit Tests

The unit tests exercise the types of flash eeprom emulation, as well as stressing individual classes and methods. The tests run against mock or fake implementations of a flash device.

To run the unit tests:

1. clone this repo to your desktop machine
2. (if running Windows, be sure to install MinGW installed also.)
3. cd to flashee-eeprom/firmware/test
4. run `make test`

After the tests are built, they are automatically run. You should then see output similar to this:

[----------] 4 tests from FlashDeviceRegionTest
[ RUN      ] FlashDeviceRegionTest.CanCreateSubregion
[       OK ] FlashDeviceRegionTest.CanCreateSubregion (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] FlashDeviceRegionTest.SubregionOutOfRangeFails
[       OK ] FlashDeviceRegionTest.SubregionOutOfRangeFails (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] FlashDeviceRegionTest.NestedSubregionOutOfRangeFails
[       OK ] FlashDeviceRegionTest.NestedSubregionOutOfRangeFails (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] FlashDeviceRegionTest.NestedSubregionInRangeOk
[       OK ] FlashDeviceRegionTest.NestedSubregionInRangeOk (1 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from FlashDeviceRegionTest (4 ms total)

[----------] 2 tests from FakeFlashDeviceTest
[ RUN      ] FakeFlashDeviceTest.CorrectSize
[       OK ] FakeFlashDeviceTest.CorrectSize (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] FakeFlashDeviceTest.CorrectSize2
[       OK ] FakeFlashDeviceTest.CorrectSize2 (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from FakeFlashDeviceTest (1 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 102 tests from 8 test cases ran. (1714 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 102 tests.

Integration Tests

The integration tests combine the real external flash device in the spark core with the eeprom emulation layers. The aim of the integration test is to test that the library functions as a whole.

The integration test is available from the online IDE, under examples/integration-test.cpp.

To run the integration test:

1. build and flash integration-test-cpp to the core
2. use a serial monitor to connect to the core locally via the USB serial interface
3. press 't' to start the tests.

If all goes well, you should see output in the serial monitor after a few seconds. The whole suite takes about a minute to run and produces output similar to this:

Running tests
Test CanWriteAfterErase passed.
Test ErasePageNoEffectOnOtherPages passed.
Test ErasePageResetsData passed.
Test EraseWriteAllowsBitsToBeSet passed.
Test EraseWritePreservesRestOfPage passed.
Test HasNonZeroPageCount passed.
Test HasNonZeroPageSize passed.
Test PageAddress passed.
Test RepeatedEraseWritePreservesRestOfPage passed.
Test SparkFlashCanWriteEvenAddressBytes passed.
Test SparkFlashCanWriteEvenAddressBytesOddLength passed.
Test SparkFlashCanWriteOddBytes passed.
Test SuccessiveWrittenValuesAreAnded passed.
Test WriteDistinctValueToPages passed.
Test summary: 15 passed, 0 failed, and 0 skipped, out of 15 test(s).

Performance Profiling

The example code performance-profile.cpp profiles the direct flash access and 2 types of eeprom emulation. The results are below:

Running tests
Performance test: Address level erase
Buffer size: 128, total bytes: 16352
 Erase: throughput 1090 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 50 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 11 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 49 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: throughput 11 Kbytes/sec
 Verify rewrite: throughput 49 Kbytes/sec

Buffer size: 512, total bytes: 16352
 Erase: throughput 1168 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 50 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 11 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 50 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: throughput 11 Kbytes/sec
 Verify rewrite: throughput 49 Kbytes/sec

Buffer size: 2048, total bytes: 16352
 Erase: throughput 1168 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 50 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 11 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 50 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: throughput 11 Kbytes/sec
 Verify rewrite: throughput 49 Kbytes/sec

Performance test: Wear level page erase
Buffer size: 128, total bytes: 131008
 Erase: throughput 9357 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 385 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 120 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 385 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: throughput 45 Kbytes/sec
 Verify rewrite: throughput 385 Kbytes/sec

Buffer size: 512, total bytes: 131008
 Erase: throughput 9357 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 404 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 122 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 404 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: throughput 72 Kbytes/sec
 Verify rewrite: throughput 404 Kbytes/sec

Buffer size: 2048, total bytes: 131008
 Erase: throughput 8733 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 409 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 123 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 409 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: throughput 86 Kbytes/sec
 Verify rewrite: throughput 410 Kbytes/sec

Performance test: Basic flash access
Buffer size: 128, total bytes: 262144
 Erase: throughput 292 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 393 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 121 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 393 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: N/A (not supported or failed.)
 Verify rewrite: N/A (not supported or failed.)

Buffer size: 512, total bytes: 262144
 Erase: throughput 292 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 406 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 122 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 407 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: N/A (not supported or failed.)
 Verify rewrite: N/A (not supported or failed.)

Buffer size: 2048, total bytes: 262144
 Erase: throughput 292 Kbytes/sec
 Verify erase: throughput 410 Kbytes/sec
 Write: throughput 123 Kbytes/sec
 Verify write: throughput 410 Kbytes/sec
 Rewrite: N/A (not supported or failed.)
 Verify rewrite: N/A (not supported or failed.)

Test complete.

The Single Wear Page scheme was not tested since this would incur a high number of erases to a single page, possibly prematurely destroying that page.

Conclusions from the data above:

  • the performace of page level erase is on par with direct flash access - 404 KiB/s read, and 123 KiB/s write. Larger buffers provide a slight performance increase.
  • address level erase has the slowest performace, at 11KiB/s write and 50KiB/s read, but this has an order of magnitude better erase performance.

level erase also has an order of magnitude better endurance since it erases pages less often.)

  • writing direct to flash is about 7x faster (including erase time), but doesn't support rewrites. (That's the main contribution of this library.)

  • compared to an Arduino, all schemes are significantly faster. The arduino eeprom requires 3.3ms to erase a single byte - equivalent to 0.3 Kb/s throughput.

  • with the wear leveling scheme, writing larger buffers improves throughput since the number of page erases and copies required is reduced.

Internally, the eeprom emulation uses a 128 byte buffer. This explains why the address erase scheme shows no performance improvement when called with larger buffers. Increasing the size of the internal buffer may improve performance - see STACK_BUFFER_SIZE in the headers.

Finally, it's wise not to pick a scheme based on performance, unless performance is the defining characteristic of your application, in which case it is best to write direct to flash and manage page erases by hand.

Implementation Details


I developed the library initially as a standalone library compiled on regular gnu c++ on my desktop. Compared to embedded development, this allowed a faster development cycle and easier debugging. For testing, the flash memory was faked using a FakeFlashDevice class that emulated a flash device in memory (ANDed writes, page erases and read/write only on even address/even length.)

Emulation Layers

The library provides a random read/write access device, similar to EEPROM from the external flash on the spark. It's implemented as one or more layers on top of the flash API. These layers take care of page erases and provide multiple writes to the same logical address. It does this through two key techniques:

  • redundant storage - multiple writes to the same logical address are implemented as writes to distinct physical addresses in flash.

  • wear leveling: a mapping from logical pages to physical pages is maintained. When a logical page is erased, it is assigned to a new free physical page (using an even random distribution). This ensures updates to a single page are spread out over the area of flash allocated, so the wear is spread out across many pages rather than just one.

For EEPROM-like storage, there are several implementations that provide the same API (so they can be used interchangably), with each implementation providing a different trade-off between storage efficiency and the maximum erase wear for any given page.

Direct flash

This is simply direct access to the flash memory. Automatic erase before write is not supported. On construction, the range of pages in flash to be used is specified. This doesn't provide EEPROM semantics, but rather provide the base storage for the implementations that follow.

The following implementations provide EEPROM-like semantics, supporting free read/write to addresses. Despite the complexity of some of the schemes, the client simply sees a linear address range that they can read and write to, and doesn't need to concernt themselves so much with the internal workings. To provide EEPROM-like semantics, the implementations take care of performing erases when they are necessary. This is typically when a destructive write is performed - writing a 1 bit to a location where there was previously a 0.

Direct with erase copy ......................

This scheme stores the data directly in flash at the address specified. When a page erase is needed to reset 0 bits back to 1, the page is copied to a reserved page in flash. The original page is then erased and the data copied back.

This makes the most efficient use of space in terms of storage used, but at the cost of considerable wear on the reserved page, which is erased for every single erasure on any page, since every write that requires an erase will erase the reserved page.

This implementation is recommended for cases when the data changes less than 10^5 times during the lifetime of the system (the maximum wear for a page in external flash being 10^5.)

Wear Levelled storage

This uses a specified region of flash where logical pages are mapped to their actual page location in flash. This allows the actual location of a logical address to be changed, such as when erasing a page. When a logical page is erased, it is assigned to a new physical page in flash. This distributes the wear over all free and changing pages. This happens transparently - to the user they simply see the same API - FlashDevice.

This scheme reserves 2 bytes per page for housekeeping. There is also 1 page used for housekeeping, at at a minimum there must be at least 1 free page. Initially all pages are free until data is written to the device. When a page is erased, it is mapped to a different physical page, reducing the wear per page.

For example, if you have reserved region in flash, and usage is such that a single page takes most of the changes, then allocating 10 free pages will ensure those changes are spread out over 10+1 pages (the erased page itself is freed so becomes part of the free pool.). The number of erases for any given page can then as high as 10^6. The EEPROM in the arduino allows 10^5 erases, this is already surpassing eeprom wear levels.

Redundant Storage .................

This scheme allows multiple destructive writes to the same logical address without requiring an erase in the underlying flash. It achieves this by representing each logical byte as a 8-byte slot. Data is written until the slot is full, and then an erase is required. This scheme supports 7 destructive writes before the page is erased. Note that when a page is erased, all addresses are reset back to the 7 write capacity.

This is naturally the least efficient in terms of storage, but also offers the least wear, reducing the number of erases required by approximately an order of magnitude. When combined with the wear levelled storage, destructive writes in the order of 10^8 can be achieved over the lifetime of the device.

Combining Layers

All the implementations of the eeprom emulation expose the same interface, and the higher level storage schemes (Wear Levelled storage/Redundant storage) also expect an implementation of that interface as their base storage. This allows the implementations to be stacked, effectively combining them.

There two utility devices: PageSpanFlashDevice and FlashDeviceRegion that make working with devices easier. PageSpanFlashDevice allows the various read and write methods to accept a buffer that is larger than a page or allow reads and writes to span page boundaries. FlashDeviceRegion provides a flash device that maps to a contiguous subregion in some other flash device. This is used to partition a given device into distinct areas.

These utility devices are coded to the FlashDevice interface. Consequently, they can be used both with the physical flash device, as well as any of the higher level layers. Typically, the PageSpanFlashDevice is placed on the top-level device that the client uses, so the client is free to read arbitrary blocks. The FlashDeviceRegion is used to divide up the physical flash memory into distinct areas.


Eeprom emulation using external flash on Particle devices. Includes unit tests cross compiled to regular gcc, and on-device integration tests.







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