redisgo is a Go Client for Redis (
Some features include
- minimal, high performance
- based on redis protocol 2.0, support for all redis types and commands
- connection pooling support
- thread safe (goroutine safe)
redisgo use redisgo.NewConnector(redisgo.Config{...}) to create connection with Redis server. You can use redisgo.Config to set host, port, pool size, timeout, etc.
package main
import (
func main() {
conn, err := redisgo.NewConnector(redisgo.Config{
Host: "",
Port: 6379,
Timeout: 3, // timeout in second, default to 10
MaxConn: 1, // max connection number, default to 1
// Auth: "foobared",
if err != nil {
conn.Cmd("set", "key", "value")
Request: all Redis operations go with redisgo.Connector.Cmd()
, it accepts variable arguments. The first argument of Cmd() is the Redis command, for example "get", "set", etc. The rest arguments(maybe none) are the arguments of that command.
conn.Cmd("set", "key", "value")
conn.Cmd("incrby", "key-incrby", 1)
conn.Cmd("hset", "key-hash", "field-1", "value-1")
the redisgo.Connector.Cmd() method will return an Object of redisgo.Result
the element of redisgo.Result.Status is the response code. all of the codes include:
- ResultOK
- ResultError
- ResultNotFound
- ResultBadArgument
- ResultNoAuth
- ResultServerError
- ResultNetworkException
- ResultTimeout
- ResultUnknown
- alias of func redisgo.Result.OK() bool
- alias of func redisgo.Result.NotFound() bool
if rs := conn.Cmd("set", "key", "value"); rs.OK() {
// ...
if rs := conn.Cmd("set", "key", "value"); rs.Status == redisgo.ResultOK {
// ...
use the following method to get a dynamic data type what you want to need.
- redisgo.Result.Bytes() []byte
- redisgo.Result.String() string
- redisgo.Result.Bool() bool
- redisgo.Result.Int() int
- redisgo.Result.Int8() int8
- redisgo.Result.Int16() int16
- redisgo.Result.Int32() int32
- redisgo.Result.Int64() int64
- redisgo.Result.Uint() uint
- redisgo.Result.Uint8() uint8
- redisgo.Result.Uint16() uint16
- redisgo.Result.Uint32() uint32
- redisgo.Result.Uint64() uint64
- redisgo.Result.Float32() float32
- redisgo.Result.Float64() float64
- redisgo.Result.JsonDecode(obj interface{}) error
- redisgo.Result.List() []*Result
- redisgo.Result.KvLen() int
- redisgo.Result.KvList() []*ResultEntry
- redisgo.Result.KvEach(fn func(key, value *redisgo.Result)) int
// example 1
if rs := conn.Cmd("incrby", "key-incrby", 1); rs.OK() {
fmt.Println("return int", rs.Int())
// example 2
var rsobject struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
if rs := conn.Cmd("get", "key-json"); rs.OK() {
if err := rs.JsonDecode(&rsobject); err == nil {
fmt.Println("return", rsobject.Name)
the more examples of result.APIs can visit: example/example.go
- CPU: Intel i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz (4 cores, 8 threads)
- OS: CentOS 7.7.1908 x86_64
- redis: version 5.0.7 (disable save the DB on disk)
- data keys: 40 bytes each
- data values: 1024 bytes each
- Official Redis Protocol specification Redis Protocol specification
- Official Commands documentation complete list of all avilable commands.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0