- mongodb installed
- npm installed
- node installed
- go to src/node directory
- run
npm install
- install pm2 globally :
npm install pm2 -g
cp config.default.js config.js
and change database credentials and username and password in auth section
start your mongodb server with
mongod --dbpath <path_to_your_db>
- create two alias within your .bash_profile:
alias stop-mongodb='mongo admin --eval "db.shutdownServer()"' alias start-mongodb='mongod --fork --logpath <your_db_dir>/mongodb.log --dbpath <your_db_dir>'
npm test
create startup service for mongodb
create startup service for pm2
- if you are using systemd, type:
pm2 startup systemd
then follow the instructions
- if you are using systemd, type:
pm2 start main.js
andpm2 save
standard port for server is 8081, configure nginx or apache to forward http requests on port 80 to node server