This project is a simple facade to original jolt project : JOLT project is a json to json transformation tool.
It works like a proxy to original jolt objects, by providing exactly the same class names & methods, but requiring Vert.x JsonObject instead of Map <String,Object>
That way we do not need to perform transformation in our business code.
Without vertx-jolt :
JsonArray joltJsonSpecs = this.readJsonToJsonSettings();
Chainr chainedRules = new ChainrBuilder(joltJsonSpecs.getList()).build();
Map <String,Object> transformedResult = (Map <String,Object>) chainedRules.transform(originalJson.toMap());
return new JsonObject(transformedResult);
Wit vertx-jolt :
JsonArray joltJsonSpecs = this.readJsonToJsonSettings();
Chainr chainedRules = new ChainrBuilder(joltJsonSpecs).build();
JsonObject transformedResult = chainedRules.transform(originalJson);
return transformedResult;
Here we will take as example an input JSON to transform (originalJson input above) :
"content": [
"name": "Elysee",
"country": "FRANCE",
"address": "Avenue des Champs-Élysées",
"city": "PARIS",
"stores_id": 1,
"zip_code": "75000",
"gps_x": "48.869729",
"gps_y": "2.307784",
"phone_number": "+33 1 00 00 00 00",
"backend_url": ""
"name": "Belem",
"country": "PORTUGAL",
"address": "Avenida Brasilia",
"city": "LISBON",
"stores_id": 2,
"zip_code": "75000",
"gps_x": "38.693060",
"gps_y": "-9.218120",
"phone_number": "+351 000 000 000",
"backend_url": ""
"name": "Yu garden",
"country": "CHINA",
"address": "huanpu qu",
"city": "Shanghai",
"stores_id": 3,
"zip_code": "XXXX",
"gps_x": "31.227208",
"gps_y": "121.491836",
"phone_number": "+86 000 000 000",
"backend_url": ""
And the expected JSON result is a key value json (kind of UDDI) :
"key" : 1,
"value" : ""
"key" : 2,
"value" : ""
"key" : 3,
"value" : ""
To Achieve this, we need to provide a JOLT JSON specification, in our case it will be :
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"content": {
"*": {
"stores_id": "[&1].key",
"backend_url": "[&1].value"