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== AutoTurnIn ==
Accepts and turn in quest to NPC. May handle any quests or specified list. 
May turn in quests with rewards and choose most expensive one for future selling.

/au 		- for GUI settings

Usefull staff since I tend to forget it:
to enable taint logging ingame 
	/console taintLog settingg
in config: 
	SET taintLog setting

0 Disables taint logging.
1 Actions blocked due to taint are logged.
2 Enables additional log messages indicating when accesses to tainted global variables occur.
to enable console: add `-console` to game start params 
to export source code: console should be enabled, 
	exportInterfaceFiles code
to export arts: console should be enabled, 
	exportInterfaceFiles art
to dump ingame expressions, instances etc
	/dump ... 
	/fstack [showhidden]
Expose events 
	/etrace <<command>>