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BLOpenFlasher: Flash Firmware to BL602 (Tested on PineCone)


Connect to PineCone USB Serial with Jumper set to L...

sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 2000000

Press the RST button. We should see...


Restart PineCone USB Serial with Jumper set to H. Enter...

sudo go get

sudo go run flash_tool.go

Shows this error...








&{bl602/partition/partition_cfg_2M.toml bl602/image/partition.bin map[]}
---- blk64k_erase_time = 0x4b0
0 1200 0 16 = 1200
---- blk32k_erase_cmd = 0x52
0 82 16 8 = 5373952
---- write_enable_cmd = 0x6
0 6 0 8 = 6
---- qpage_prog_cmd = 0x32
6 50 16 8 = 3276806
---- reg_read_cmd1 = 0x35
0 53 8 8 = 13568
---- de_burst_wrap_cmd = 0x77
0 119 0 8 = 119
---- hash_5 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- jedecid_cmd_dmy_clk = 0x0
0 0 8 8 = 0
---- cont_read_code = 0x20
0 32 16 8 = 2097152
---- de_burst_wrap_cmd_dmy_clk = 0x3
119 3 8 8 = 887
---- img_start = 0x2000
0 8192 0 32 = 8192
---- magic_code = 0x504e4642
0 1347307074 0 32 = 1347307074
---- burst_wrap_data_mode = 0x2
0 2 16 8 = 131072
---- crc_ignore = 0x0
0 0 16 1 = 0
---- write_vreg_enable_cmd = 0x50
0 80 24 8 = 1342177280
---- page_prog_cmd = 0x2
3276806 2 8 8 = 3277318
---- fast_read_qio_cmd = 0xeb
0 235 16 8 = 15400960
---- reg_write_cmd1 = 0x31
0 49 8 8 = 12544
---- de_burst_wrap_code_mode = 0x2
887 2 16 8 = 131959
---- jedecid_cmd = 0x9f
0 159 0 8 = 159
---- fast_read_qo_dmy_clk = 0x1
15400960 1 8 8 = 15401216
---- clkcfg_magic_code = 0x47464350
0 1195787088 0 32 = 1195787088
---- cache_enable = 0x1
0 1 9 1 = 512
---- fast_read_dio_cmd = 0xbb
0 187 16 8 = 12255232
---- blk64k_erase_cmd = 0xd8
5373952 216 24 8 = 3629252608
---- fast_read_qo_cmd = 0x6b
15401216 107 0 8 = 15401323
---- burst_wrap_dmy_clk = 0x3
131072 3 8 8 = 131840
---- power_down_delay = 0x3
0 3 16 8 = 196608
---- reset_cmd = 0x99
0 153 8 8 = 39168
---- qpi_fast_read_qio_cmd = 0xeb
1342177280 235 0 8 = 1342177515
---- cont_read_exit_code = 0xff
2097152 255 24 8 = 4280287232
---- hclk_div = 0x0
0 0 16 8 = 0
---- sector_erase_cmd = 0x20
3629252608 32 8 8 = 3629260800
---- exit_contread_cmd = 0xff
39168 255 16 8 = 16750848
---- hash_2 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- sfctrl_clk_delay = 0x1
0 1 16 8 = 65536
---- fast_read_dmy_clk = 0x1
0 1 8 8 = 256
---- no_segment = 0x1
512 1 8 1 = 768
---- qual_page_prog_addr_mode = 0x0
3277318 0 24 8 = 3277318
---- reg_read_cmd0 = 0x5
13568 5 0 8 = 13573
---- fast_read_do_dmy_clk = 0x1
12255232 1 8 8 = 12255488
---- qe_reg_index = 0x1
0 1 8 8 = 256
---- key_sel = 0x0
768 0 4 2 = 768
---- fast_read_cmd = 0xb
256 11 0 8 = 267
---- wel_reg_write_len = 0x2
0 2 16 8 = 131072
---- burst_wrap_code = 0x40
131840 64 24 8 = 1073873664
---- wel_bit_pos = 0x1
256 1 24 8 = 16777472
---- sfctrl_clk_invert = 0x1
65536 1 24 8 = 16842752
---- qpi_fast_read_dmy_clk = 0x1
267 1 24 8 = 16777483
---- flash_clk_type = 0x3
0 3 0 8 = 3
---- hash_0 = 0xdeadbeef
0 3735928559 0 32 = 3735928559
---- revision = 0x1
0 1 0 32 = 1
---- flash_clk_div = 0x1
3 1 8 8 = 259
---- aes_region_lock = 0x0
768 0 11 1 = 768
---- hash_6 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- page_size = 0x100
0 256 16 16 = 16777216
---- flashcfg_crc32 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- reset_en_cmd = 0x66
16750848 102 0 8 = 16750950
---- qe_reg_write_len = 0x1
0 1 0 8 = 1
---- qe_reg_read_len = 0x1
1 1 8 8 = 257
---- hash_ignore = 0x0
768 0 17 1 = 768
---- qpi_fast_read_cmd = 0xb
16777483 11 16 8 = 17498379
---- page_prog_time = 0x5
1200 5 16 16 = 328880
---- sign = 0x0
768 0 0 2 = 768
---- busy_reg_index = 0x0
16777472 0 16 8 = 16777472
---- clkcfg_crc32 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- cont_read_support = 0x1
16842752 1 8 8 = 16843008
---- chip_erase_cmd = 0xc7
3629260800 199 0 8 = 3629260999
---- fast_read_qio_dmy_clk = 0x2
15401323 2 24 8 = 48955755
---- enter_qpi_cmd = 0x38
4280287232 56 0 8 = 4280287288
---- qe_data = 0x0
196608 0 24 8 = 196608
---- hash_1 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- io_mode = 0x4
16843008 4 0 8 = 16843012
---- fast_read_dio_dmy_clk = 0x0
12255488 0 24 8 = 12255488
---- blk32k_erase_time = 0x4b0
0 1200 16 16 = 78643200
---- flashcfg_magic_code = 0x47464346
0 1195787078 0 32 = 1195787078
---- qe_bit_pos = 0x1
131072 1 0 8 = 131073
---- qpi_page_prog_cmd = 0x2
1342177515 2 16 8 = 1342308587
---- sector_size = 0x4
16777216 4 0 8 = 16777220
---- notload_in_bootrom = 0x0
768 0 10 1 = 768
---- cache_way_disable = 0x3
768 3 12 4 = 13056
---- crc32 = 0xdeadbeef
0 3735928559 0 32 = 3735928559
---- exit_contread_cmd_size = 0x3
16750950 3 24 8 = 67082598
---- bclk_div = 0x1
0 1 24 8 = 16777216
---- busy_reg_read_len = 0x1
257 1 24 8 = 16777473
---- exit_qpi_cmd = 0xff
4280287288 255 8 8 = 4280352568
---- sector_erase_time = 0x12c
78643200 300 0 16 = 78643500
---- busy_bit_pos = 0x0
131073 0 8 8 = 131073
---- fast_read_do_cmd = 0x3b
12255488 59 0 8 = 12255547
---- xtal_type = 0x4
16777216 4 0 8 = 16777220
---- pll_clk = 0x4
16777220 4 8 8 = 16778244
---- bootentry = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- hash_7 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- qpi_jedecid_cmd = 0x9f
159 159 16 8 = 10420383
---- encrypt_type = 0x0
13056 0 2 2 = 13056
---- qpi_jedecid_dmy_clk = 0x0
10420383 0 24 8 = 10420383
---- hash_3 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- wel_reg_index = 0x0
16777472 0 0 8 = 16777472
---- wel_reg_read_len = 0x1
131073 1 24 8 = 16908289
---- reg_write_cmd0 = 0x1
12544 1 0 8 = 12545
---- chip_erase_time = 0x30d40
196608 200000 0 16 = 200000
---- img_len = 0x100
0 39312 0 32 = 39312
---- hash_4 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- mfg_id = 0xef
16777220 239 8 8 = 16838404
---- release_power_down = 0xab
16777473 171 16 8 = 27984129
---- burst_wrap_cmd = 0x77
1073873664 119 0 8 = 1073873783
---- de_burst_wrap_code = 0xf0
131959 240 24 8 = 4026663799
---- qpi_fast_read_qio_dmy_clk = 0x2
1342308587 2 8 8 = 1342309099
---- release_power_down = 0xab
0 171 16 8 = 11206656
---- burst_wrap_cmd = 0x77
0 119 0 8 = 119
---- de_burst_wrap_code = 0xf0
0 240 24 8 = 4026531840
---- qpi_fast_read_qio_dmy_clk = 0x2
0 2 8 8 = 512
---- blk64k_erase_time = 0x4b0
0 1200 0 16 = 1200
---- blk32k_erase_cmd = 0x52
0 82 16 8 = 5373952
---- write_enable_cmd = 0x6
0 6 0 8 = 6
---- qpage_prog_cmd = 0x32
6 50 16 8 = 3276806
---- reg_read_cmd1 = 0x35
0 53 8 8 = 13568
---- de_burst_wrap_cmd = 0x77
4026531840 119 0 8 = 4026531959
---- hash_5 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- jedecid_cmd_dmy_clk = 0x0
0 0 8 8 = 0
---- cont_read_code = 0x20
0 32 16 8 = 2097152
---- de_burst_wrap_cmd_dmy_clk = 0x3
4026531959 3 8 8 = 4026532727
---- img_start = 0x2000
0 8192 0 32 = 8192
---- magic_code = 0x504e4642
0 1347307074 0 32 = 1347307074
---- burst_wrap_data_mode = 0x2
119 2 16 8 = 131191
---- crc_ignore = 0x0
0 0 16 1 = 0
---- write_vreg_enable_cmd = 0x50
512 80 24 8 = 1342177792
---- page_prog_cmd = 0x2
3276806 2 8 8 = 3277318
---- fast_read_qio_cmd = 0xeb
0 235 16 8 = 15400960
---- reg_write_cmd1 = 0x31
0 49 8 8 = 12544
---- de_burst_wrap_code_mode = 0x2
4026532727 2 16 8 = 4026663799
---- jedecid_cmd = 0x9f
0 159 0 8 = 159
---- fast_read_qo_dmy_clk = 0x1
15400960 1 8 8 = 15401216
---- clkcfg_magic_code = 0x47464350
0 1195787088 0 32 = 1195787088
---- cache_enable = 0x1
0 1 9 1 = 512
---- fast_read_dio_cmd = 0xbb
0 187 16 8 = 12255232
---- blk64k_erase_cmd = 0xd8
5373952 216 24 8 = 3629252608
---- fast_read_qo_cmd = 0x6b
15401216 107 0 8 = 15401323
---- burst_wrap_dmy_clk = 0x3
131191 3 8 8 = 131959
---- power_down_delay = 0x3
0 3 16 8 = 196608
---- reset_cmd = 0x99
0 153 8 8 = 39168
---- qpi_fast_read_qio_cmd = 0xeb
1342177792 235 0 8 = 1342178027
---- cont_read_exit_code = 0xff
2097152 255 24 8 = 4280287232
---- hclk_div = 0x0
0 0 16 8 = 0
---- sector_erase_cmd = 0x20
3629252608 32 8 8 = 3629260800
---- exit_contread_cmd = 0xff
39168 255 16 8 = 16750848
---- hash_2 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- sfctrl_clk_delay = 0x1
0 1 16 8 = 65536
---- fast_read_dmy_clk = 0x1
0 1 8 8 = 256
---- no_segment = 0x1
512 1 8 1 = 768
---- qual_page_prog_addr_mode = 0x0
3277318 0 24 8 = 3277318
---- reg_read_cmd0 = 0x5
13568 5 0 8 = 13573
---- fast_read_do_dmy_clk = 0x1
12255232 1 8 8 = 12255488
---- qe_reg_index = 0x1
0 1 8 8 = 256
---- key_sel = 0x0
768 0 4 2 = 768
---- fast_read_cmd = 0xb
256 11 0 8 = 267
---- wel_reg_write_len = 0x2
0 2 16 8 = 131072
---- burst_wrap_code = 0x40
131959 64 24 8 = 1073873783
---- wel_bit_pos = 0x1
256 1 24 8 = 16777472
---- sfctrl_clk_invert = 0x1
65536 1 24 8 = 16842752
---- qpi_fast_read_dmy_clk = 0x1
267 1 24 8 = 16777483
---- flash_clk_type = 0x3
0 3 0 8 = 3
---- hash_0 = 0xdeadbeef
0 3735928559 0 32 = 3735928559
---- revision = 0x1
0 1 0 32 = 1
---- flash_clk_div = 0x1
3 1 8 8 = 259
---- aes_region_lock = 0x0
768 0 11 1 = 768
---- hash_6 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- page_size = 0x100
0 256 16 16 = 16777216
---- flashcfg_crc32 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- reset_en_cmd = 0x66
16750848 102 0 8 = 16750950
---- qe_reg_write_len = 0x1
11206656 1 0 8 = 11206657
---- qe_reg_read_len = 0x1
11206657 1 8 8 = 11206913
---- hash_ignore = 0x0
768 0 17 1 = 768
---- qpi_fast_read_cmd = 0xb
16777483 11 16 8 = 17498379
---- page_prog_time = 0x5
1200 5 16 16 = 328880
---- sign = 0x0
768 0 0 2 = 768
---- busy_reg_index = 0x0
16777472 0 16 8 = 16777472
---- clkcfg_crc32 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- cont_read_support = 0x1
16842752 1 8 8 = 16843008
---- chip_erase_cmd = 0xc7
3629260800 199 0 8 = 3629260999
---- fast_read_qio_dmy_clk = 0x2
15401323 2 24 8 = 48955755
---- enter_qpi_cmd = 0x38
4280287232 56 0 8 = 4280287288
---- qe_data = 0x0
196608 0 24 8 = 196608
---- hash_1 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- io_mode = 0x4
16843008 4 0 8 = 16843012
---- fast_read_dio_dmy_clk = 0x0
12255488 0 24 8 = 12255488
---- blk32k_erase_time = 0x4b0
0 1200 16 16 = 78643200
---- flashcfg_magic_code = 0x47464346
0 1195787078 0 32 = 1195787078
---- qe_bit_pos = 0x1
131072 1 0 8 = 131073
---- qpi_page_prog_cmd = 0x2
1342178027 2 16 8 = 1342309099
---- sector_size = 0x4
16777216 4 0 8 = 16777220
---- notload_in_bootrom = 0x0
768 0 10 1 = 768
---- cache_way_disable = 0x3
768 3 12 4 = 13056
---- crc32 = 0xdeadbeef
0 3735928559 0 32 = 3735928559
---- exit_contread_cmd_size = 0x3
16750950 3 24 8 = 67082598
---- bclk_div = 0x1
0 1 24 8 = 16777216
---- busy_reg_read_len = 0x1
11206913 1 24 8 = 27984129
---- exit_qpi_cmd = 0xff
4280287288 255 8 8 = 4280352568
---- sector_erase_time = 0x12c
78643200 300 0 16 = 78643500
---- busy_bit_pos = 0x0
131073 0 8 8 = 131073
---- fast_read_do_cmd = 0x3b
12255488 59 0 8 = 12255547
---- xtal_type = 0x4
16777216 4 0 8 = 16777220
---- pll_clk = 0x4
16777220 4 8 8 = 16778244
---- bootentry = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- hash_7 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- qpi_jedecid_cmd = 0x9f
159 159 16 8 = 10420383
---- encrypt_type = 0x0
13056 0 2 2 = 13056
---- qpi_jedecid_dmy_clk = 0x0
10420383 0 24 8 = 10420383
---- hash_3 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- wel_reg_index = 0x0
16777472 0 0 8 = 16777472
---- wel_reg_read_len = 0x1
131073 1 24 8 = 16908289
---- reg_write_cmd0 = 0x1
12544 1 0 8 = 12545
---- chip_erase_time = 0x30d40
196608 200000 0 16 = 200000
---- img_len = 0x100
0 865232 0 32 = 865232
---- hash_4 = 0x0
0 0 0 32 = 0
---- mfg_id = 0xef
16777220 239 8 8 = 16838404
exit status 1
/dev/ttyUSB0---RESET Module---
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdShakeHand
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdBootInfo
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b1400010000000000000003000000619dc005b9181d00
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdBootHeader
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegHeader
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b10000000012290710000357dc86e938a7a6f
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 Failed to read [Res]
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 Failed to read [Res]
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:12 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 Failed to read [Res]
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:14 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 Failed to read [Res]
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:14 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 Failed to read [Res]
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:14 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-4f4b
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdSegData
/dev/ttyUSB0 Failed to read [Res]
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:14 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-464c1402464c1402
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:13 <-464c1402
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to ConfigReset
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdReset
/dev/ttyUSB0---RESET Module---
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdShakeHand
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:0 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:0 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 Failed to read [Res]
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:9 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdReset
/dev/ttyUSB0---RESET Module---
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdShakeHand
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:0 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:0 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:0 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdReset
/dev/ttyUSB0---RESET Module---
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdShakeHand
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:0 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:0 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 14:0 <-
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to CmdReset
/dev/ttyUSB0 Next to ErrorShakeHand
ErrorShakeHand can not be located!
/dev/ttyUSB0 -----Failure-----

Previous Instructions

This is open source version for flash_tools, not perfect but open source totally. The current version also require python3 env, and if not please use tools to convert dts to dtb.

Installing dependencies

go get


Switch BL602 to program mode by pulling-up GPIO8 during booting, connect via the uart(which is hardcode now), and then run "go run flash_tool.go". Bin files are generated and then bl602 will be programmed.

Other version

Initially Golang version is only for mass production program with linux. Now, there are other better options for cross platform requirement. Thanks for these contributors.
Python version:
Rust version: