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Pester: retry blocks again and again and again and again and again and again and


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Pester - Coordinated retry logic

This gem is abandoned, but perfectly operable

As of November 2017, this gem is still in production in a few various legacy corners of Lumosity, but we haven't committed code for two and a half years. Everything works as advertised, and we'll gladly accept pull requests, but we've moved most new and existing code over to retriable. We originally wrote pester as a more-configurable, easier-to-read alternative, but after successfully getting the single most-unique feature, contexts, merged into retriable, there's not really a great reason to have two different retry gems.

Travis Code Climate

In a lot of our backend code, we quite often found ourselves repeating some of the same patterns for retry logic. Relying on external services--including internal service endpoints and databases--means things fail intermittently. Many of these operations are idempotent and can be retried, but external services don't especially like being pestered without some pause, so you need to slow your roll.


From the outset, the goal of Pester is to offer a simple interface. For example:

irb(main):001:0> require 'pester'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> Pester.retry_constant { fail 'derp' }
W, [2015-04-04T10:37:46.413158 #87600]  WARN -- : Failure encountered: derp, backing off and trying again 3 more times. etc etc

will retry the block--which always fails--until Pester has exhausted its amount of retries. With no options provided, this will sleep for a constant number of seconds between attempts.

Pester's basic retry behaviors are defined by three options:

  • delay_interval
  • max_attempts
  • on_retry

delay_interval is the unit, in seconds, that will be delayed between attempts. Normally, this is just the total number of seconds, but it can change with other Behaviors. max_attempts is the number of tries Pester will make, including the initial one. If this is set to 1, Pester will basically not retry; less than 1, it will not even bother executing the block:

irb(main):001:0> Pester.retry_constant(max_attempts: 0) { puts 'Trying...'; fail 'derp' }
=> nil

on_retry defines the behavior between retries, which can either be a custom block of code, or one of the predefined Behaviors, specifically in Pester::Behaviors::Sleep. If passed an empty lambda/block, Pester will immediately retry. When writing a custom behavior, on_retry expects a block that can be called with two parameters, attempt_num, and delay_interval, the idea being that these will mostly be used to define a function that determines just how long to sleep between attempts.

Three behaviors are provided out-of-the box:

  • Constant is the default, and will simply sleep for delay_interval seconds
  • Linear simply multiplies attempt_num by delay_interval and sleeps for that many seconds
  • Exponential sleeps for 2(attempt_num - 1) * delay_interval seconds

All three are available either by passing the behaviors to on_retry, or by calling the increasingly-verbosely-named retry_constant (constant), retry_with_backoff (linear), or retry_with_exponential_backoff (exponential). retry by itself will not actually retry anything, unless provided with an on_retry function, either per-call or in the relevant environment.

Pester does log retry attempts (see below), however custom retry behavior that wraps existing Behaviors may be appropriate for logging custom information, incrementing statsd counters, etc. Also of note, different loggers can be passed per-call via the logger option.

Finally, one last behavior is executed once the max number of retries has been exhausted, on_max_attempts_exceeded, which is also configurable per-call. By default, this will log an exhaustion message to warn and just reraise the called exception, preserving the original stacktrace.

Choosing what to retry

Pester can be configured to be picky about what it chooses to retry and what it lets through. Three options control this behavior:

  • retry_error_classes
  • reraise_error_classes
  • retry_error_messages

The first two are mutually-exclusive whitelist and blacklists, both taking either a single error class or an array. Raising an error not covered by retry_error_classes (whitelist) causes it to immediately fail:

irb(main):002:0> Pester.retry_constant(retry_error_classes: NotImplementedError) do
  puts 'Trying...'
  fail 'derp'
RuntimeError: derp

Raising an error covered by reraise_error_classes (blacklist) causes it to immediately fail:

irb(main):002:0> Pester.retry_constant(reraise_error_classes: NotImplementedError) do
  puts 'Trying...'
NotImplementedError: derp

retry_error_messages also takes a single string or array, and calls include? on the error message. If it matches, the error's retried:

irb(main):002:0> Pester.retry_constant(retry_error_messages: 'please') do
  puts 'Trying...'
  fail 'retry this, please'

Because it calls include?, this also works for regexes:

irb(main):002:0> Pester.retry_constant(retry_error_messages: /\d/) do
  puts 'Trying...'
  fail 'retry this 2'



The easiest way to coordinate sets of Pester options across an app is via environments--these are basically option hashes configured in Pester by name:

Pester.configure do |c|
  c.environments[:aws]      = { max_attempts: 3, delay_interval: 5, on_retry: Pester::Behaviors::Sleep::Constant }
  c.environments[:internal] = { max_attempts: 2, delay_interval: 0, on_retry: Pester::Behaviors::Sleep::Constant }

This will create two environments, aws and internal, which allow you to employ different backoff strategies, depending on the usage context. These are employed simply by calling Pester.environment_name.retry (where retry can also be another helper method):

def aws_action do

def action
  Pester.internal.retry do

Environments can also be merged with retry helper methods:  # acts different from

where the helper method's Behavior will take precedence.


Pester will write retry and exhaustion information into your logs, by default using a ruby Logger to standard out. This can be configured either per-call, or one time per application in your initializer via Pester#configure. The following will suppress all logs by using a class that simply does nothing with log data, as found in spec/:

Pester.configure do |c|
  c.logger =

And thus:

irb(main):002:0> Pester.retry_constant(delay_interval: 1) { puts 'Trying...'; fail 'derp' }
RuntimeError: derp


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pester'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pester


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/pester/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Pester: retry blocks again and again and again and again and again and again and







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