- [x] Add auto download fresh socks5 after attack with method sky and slowloris
- [x] Add HTTP/2 (HTTPX) method
- [x] Add bypass method [STRONG ATTACK]
- [x] Add spoof method [STRONG ATTACK]
- [x] Change pxcfb to TSL1.3 Proxy Flood
- [x] Add HULK - HTTP Unbearable Load King
- [x] Add pxHULK - proxy HTTP Unbearable Load King
[Layer 7]
- [x] spoof | STRONG ATTACK with spoof Header X-ForWard
- [x] http2 | HTTP/2 attack with proxy [httpx]
- [x] cfb | Bypass CF attack
- [x] pxcfb | Bypass CF attack tsl1.3 with proxy [fixed work]
- [x] cfpro | Bypass CF UAM(Under Attack Mode), CAPTCHA, BFM(Bot Fight Mode) etc.. (request)
- [x] cfsoc | Bypass CF UAM(Under Attack Mode), CAPTCHA, BFM(Bot Fight Mode) etc.. (socket)
- [x] bypass| Bypass Google Project Shield, Vshield etc.. (socket)
- [x] raw | Request Attack
- [x] post | Post Request Attack
- [x] head | Head Request Attack
- [x] soc | Socket Attack
- [x] hulk | HTTP Unbearable Load King
- [x] hulk | proxy hulk HTTP Unbearable Load King
- [x] sky | HTTPS Flood and bypass for CF NoSec, DDoS Guard Free and vShield (SOCKS5)
- [x]stellar| HTTPS Sky method without proxies
- [x] pxraw | Proxy Request Attack
- [x] pxsoc | Proxy Socket Attack
- [x] pxslow| slowloris Attack (SOCKS5)
[Layer 4]
- [x] udp | simple udp flood
- [x] tcp | simple tcp syn flood <work fine ! >
- [x] vse | Send Valve Source Engine Protocol
- [x] mine| minecraft dos attack
- [x] Dns | Classic DNS Lookup
- [x] Geoip | Geo IP Address Lookup
- [x] Subnet | Subnet IP Address Lookup
DOWNLOAD: git clone https://github.com/lulzddos/Lulzddos.git
INSTALL: - python setup.py install or python3 setup.py install
- with pip:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt or pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTICE: For bypass work need install lastest verion Chrome
- wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
- apt-get install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Thread set 10-50 > work
Buy Me a Coffee BTC:1JG2uZB9MBKhPKFMKJvF5VUBNaXfTa1aWv
discord : lulz7332