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Meteor package for rendering paginated lists using custom template for each item.


Thanks @Kurounin, those are great packages!


Like any other meteor package, you can install using:

meteor add luixal:blaze-paginated-custom-list


As learning by example is great, let's say we want to show a list with the docs in my (already defined) Books collection.

First, we need to publish the pagination for the Books collection so, in the server, where I'm publishing this collection, we need to add this line:

new Meteor.Pagination(Books);

This is all that is needed in the server side. Following steps will all be done in client files :)

If you need more control over this publication, you can set this optional params that are passed to kurounin:pagination package:

new Meteor.Pagination(MyCollection, {
  filters: {is_published: true},
  dynamic_filters: function () {
    return {user_id: this.userId};
  transform_filters: function (filters, options) {
    // called after filters & dynamic_filters
    allowedKeys = ['_id', 'title'];
    return _.extend(
        _.pick(filters, allowedKeys),
        {user_id: this.userId}
  transform_options: function (filters, options) {
    const fields = { name: 1, email: 1 }
    if (Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, 'admin')) {
        fields.deleted = 1;
    return _.extend({fields}, options);

Next thing we need to do (now or later) is building a template for each element of the list. This could be one simple example (i'm using bootstrap classes here):

<template name="book">
  <div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-body">
      "{{title}}" by {{author}} ({{points}} points)

Now that our item's template is ready, we add the list to our Books template, like this:

{{> paginatedCustomList options=options}}

we also need to define a helper for providing that options value. This could be simple one:

'options': function() {
  return {
    template: 'book',
    collection: Books,
    paginationOptions: {
      perPage: 5,
      sort: {
        name: -1
    paginatorOptions: {
      limit: 4,
      containerClass: 'pull-right'
    onItemClick: function(item) {

And that's it, our paginated list shoud be showing up. You can see some examples screenshots in the examples section below or in the examples repo.


When providing the options object, there are some values that belong to this package and others that are inherited from @Kurounin packages and are just passed to those packages. Let's have a look at them:

  • template: the name of the template used for rendering items.
  • collection: the collection used to gather items from (the packages applies pagination on this collection)
  • ulClasses: classes added to ul element,
  • liClasses: classes added to li elements,
  • onItemClick: function called when an item gets clicked. Gets the item as the only parameter.
  • paginationOptions: this options belong to kurounin:pagination package.
    • page: set the initial page, for example the page parameter from url (defaults to 1)
    • perPage: set the number of documents to be fetched per page (defaults to 10)
    • filters: filters to be applied to the subscription (defaults to {}, meaning no filters)
    • fields: fields to be returned (defaults to {}, meaning all fields)
    • sort: set the sorting for retrieved documents (defaults to {_id: -1})
    • debug: console logs the query and options used when performing the find (defaults to false)
  • paginatorOptions: this options belong to kurounin:pagination-blaze package (except the hide one).
    • hide: hides paginator (just if you want to use your own way to switch pages or show only one page)
    • limit: the maximum number of page links to display
    • containerClass: optional container class for the paginator
    • onClick: optional callback to be called when page link is clicked (default callback runs javascrip e.preventDefault()). i.e: javascript function(e, templateInstance, clickedPage) {...}

A complete example would be something like this:

  template: 'book',
  collection: Books,
  ulClasses: 'books-list',
  liClasses: 'book-item',
  onItemClick: function(item) {
    console.log('Clicked book title: ' + item);
  paginationOptions: {
    page: 1, // starting on page 1
    perPage: 5, // 5 items perpage
    filters: {active: true}, // publishing only active books
    fields: {title: 1, author: 1}, // no points published here
    sort: {title: 1}, // sorting items by title
    debug: true // showing debug messages in console
  paginatorOptions: {
    hide: true, // no paginator shown
    limit: 3, // showing only 3 pages in paginator
    containerClass: 'paginator-container', // applies "paginator-container" as a class to the paginator
    onClick: function(e, templateInstance, clickedPage) {
      console.log('Changing page from ' + + ' to ' + clickedPage);

Public Methods

The methods published by kurounin:pagination package are accesible through the PaginatedCustomList object getPagination method. These methods allow you to programatically control pagination (items showed per page, current page, total items, total pages, etc...).

You just need to provide the collection name you want to get the pagination object for. Following with the books example, you can get the pagination object this way:


Methods present in this object are the one from the kurounin:pagination package, which are these ones:

  • currentPage([int]): get/set the current page
  • perPage([int]): get/set the number of documents per page
  • filters([Object]): get/set the current filters
  • fields([Object]): get/set the retrieved fields
  • sort([Object]): get/set the sorting order
  • debug([boolean]): get/set the debug
  • totalItems(): get the total number of documents
  • totalPages(): get the total number of pages
  • ready(): checks if the subscription for the current page is ready
  • getPage(): returns the documents for the current page

You just need to call them on the pagination object you got before, like in this examples:


Example 4 contains a fully functional example using this methods.


These examples use differente bootstrap themes from bootswatch. You can find them already packaged for Meteor in Atmosphere.

You can find the code for this examples here

Example 1

Uses bootswatch's theme Sandstone.


Example 2

Uses bootswatch's theme Superhero . example_2_screenshot

Example 3

Uses bootswatch's theme Simplex.


Example 4

Uses bootswatch's theme Sandstone.