Releases: luismayta/zsh-notify
Releases · luismayta/zsh-notify
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This file uses change log convention from keep a CHANGELOG.
Bug Fixes
Code Refactoring
- upgrade settings docker, package for project (#29)
- actions for make (#29)
- change rst to md documentation (#29)
- validation notify async (#19)
- format value for var (#19)
- load vars of project (#19)
- settings for image (#19)
- hooks for pre-commit (#19)
- settings project (#19)
- validation code for install dependences (#13)
- change type to which (#13)
- notify to async (#13)
- sound when success and error (#3)
- implement settings chglog (#37)
- implement template readme generate (#31)
- implement settings prettier for files (#29)
- implement settings mkdocs (#29)
- implement kind issues for github (#29)
- implement scripts for update (#19)
- implement settings for project (#19)
- implement actions for keybase (#19)
- upgrade settings for gitignore (#19)
- implement package for nodejs (#19)
- upgrade settings hooks pre-commit (#19)
- implement validate only install when is osx (#15)
- implement > /dev/null 2>&1 (#7)
- implement notify play factory (#5)
- implement files mp3 (#3)
- implement zsh-notify for success (#3)
- implement assets zsh-notify (#3)
- implement install dependences for notify (#3)
- implement settings for setup (#1)
- implement hooks fro prepare-commit (#1)
- implement docker and docker-compose (#1)
- actions for make (#1)
- implement dependences for python (#1)
- implement info for project (#1)
- implement settings for bumplus (#1)
- implement structure project (#1)