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Luck edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 1 revision

The profiles API is based around two core interfaces.


A profile represents the unique id + (optional) username of a player on the server.

Player p = ...;
Profile profile = Profile.create(p.getUniqueId(), p.getName());


Profile repositories contain a cache of known profiles, and provide methods to lookup profiles by unique id or username.

A base implementation of this interface is provided by the helper-profiles plugin.

Getting a profile by name

ProfileRepository repo = getService(ProfileRepository.class);

Optional<Profile> lucksProfile = repo.getProfile("Luck");
if (lucksProfile.isPresent()) {
    UUID lucksUniqueId = lucksProfile.get().getUniqueId(); // wew!

Getting a profile by uuid

Profile lucksProfile = repo.getProfile(UUID.fromString("c1d60c50-70b5-4722-8057-87767557e50d"));
Optional<String> lucksName = lucksProfile.getName();

Looking up a profile

The #get methods will only query the local in-memory cache for profiles, whereas the #lookup methods will query the backing database (and therefore return promises)

        .thenAcceptSync(profile -> {
            if (profile.isPresent()) {
                UUID uniqueId = profile.get().getUniqueId();

Looking up multiple profiles

When getting multiple profiles, it's better to use the combined methods, as the request can be combined into a single SQL query.

Promise<Map<String, Profile>> profiles = repo.lookupProfilesByName(Arrays.asList("Luck", "lucko", "Notch"));

profiles.thenAcceptAsync(result -> {
    Profile luck = result.get("Luck");
    Profile lucko = result.get("lucko");
    Profile helper = result.get("Notch");

    // Do something