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Oblyk, Climbing Community website

⚠️ Oblyk is restructuring and becomes an organisation 🔥🎉 find the new repositories here :

version française

Oblyk is an open-source community website dedicated to climbing. It aims to build a large open-data database of cliffs and climbing routes in France and the world but also of climbing gyms. Climbers can also use this tool to record their crosses or find climbing partners.

page d'accueil d'oblyk


To install Oblyk on your machine you must have the following software installed:

Frameworks used

Oblyk mainly uses Laravel for PHP and Materialize for CSS, refer you to the documentation of these 2 frameworks to understand most of the oblyk code


Start by cloning the project in your local development environment

cd /chemin/vers/votre/dossier/

git clone
git clone [email protected]:lucien-chastan/oblyk.git

Launch Composer to install dependencies

cd /your/application's/folder
composer install

Install node dependencies

npm install

COPY the file .env.example and rename it to .env

cp .env.example .env

Generate a key for your application

php artisan key:generate

Create a database on MySql of the name you want, with utf8_general_ci encoding

Open the .env file and enter your configuration (database name, user name, access code, etc.)

Regenerate application cache

composer dump-autoload

Start migration to create application tables and false test data

php artisan migrate --seed

Create a symbolic link in the public folder to storage

php artisan storage:link

Create a storage tree

mkdir -p storage/app/public/articles/{1300,200,100,50}
mkdir -p storage/app/public/authors/{200,100}
mkdir -p storage/app/public/gyms/{1300,200,100,50,schemes}
mkdir -p storage/app/public/gyms/routes/{1300,500,200,100,50}
mkdir -p storage/app/public/gyms/sectors/{1300,500,200,50}
mkdir -p storage/app/public/photos/crags/{1300,200,100,50}
mkdir -p storage/app/public/post-photos
mkdir -p storage/app/public/topos/{700,200,100,50,PDF}
mkdir -p storage/app/public/users/{1300,1000,500,200,100,50}

Give write permission to folder storage/ and bootstrap/cache/ (not necessary if you use the artisan server)

chmod -R 764 storage && chmod -R 764 bootstrap/cache
## to adapt according to your rights management and your OS

Generate public css/js/img/... folders

## to generate once
npm run dev

## to generate and listen for changes
npm run watch

Run php artisan server (the easiest, but you can also configure your local apache servers)

php artisan serve


If you want to contribute to Oblyk, here's how we work:

Whether you have an idea or want to fix a bug, the best way to start is to make an issue, on this issue we discuss how to do (code, design, etc.) so as not to leave head down alone in his code ^^

When we agree and it seems good to launch the development we affect the issue (to avoid that two people develop the same module)

On our development environment we create a branch from the master (the name is free as long as it is explicit)

When the branch is ready, finished and tested locally, we push it on the repository and we open a pull request Now we see if it's okay, we make changes if necessary.

Once the pull request has been validated

The branch will be merged on the beta version of oblyk

we test if it works properly on the beta environment

If it's okay, we merge on the master.

and that's it! You contributed!