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Michael Paul Coder edited this page Feb 15, 2025 · 16 revisions



Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your phone. Tap on the INSPEC module in the Lucid Scribe app and power on the device.


Once connected via Bluetooth, configure the Wi-Fi connection under Network Settings to open the video stream:

  1. Enter the Network Name

  2. Enter the Security Key

  3. Enable Wi-Fi



The camera should be orientated so that your face appears right-side up, close enough so that your face takes up the majority of the frame. It can be secured above your head on the headboard or beside you on a bedside table.


Secure the camera above the bed, facing down. Ensure that vertical flip is enabled so that the video feed appears right side up.


Place the camera on a bedside table or edge of the bed facing the pillow. Enable horizontal mirror and ensure that the tilt matches the angle of your face to improve the efficiency of the face detection algorithm.


Manually turn the lens clockwise or counter-clockwise to adjust the focus until the image becomes sharp. The lens ring can also be manually turned for further adjustments and to lock the focus in place.

IR Spotlight Placement

Aim the infrared spotlight at the roof or towards the wall you are facing. The reflected light creates a more balanced luminosity.


Lie on your right side with the knees bent enough to make the body stable. If it's comfortable, rest the left arm along your side and place the right hand under the cheek or pillow.

- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep: Practices for Awakening


REM phases

The practices should be carried out after several hours of sleep. If you normally sleep between 23:00 - 07:00, then you should sleep for 5-6 hours before positioning yourself; i.e. around 4-5 o'clock in the morning.


The effect is reduced if you wake up every morning at 05:00 instead of 07:00. Try to maintain the 23:00 - 07:00 routine from Monday to Friday and then practice at 05:00 on Saturdays and Sundays.


As the INSPEC watches you sleep, so you can learn to watch yourself while you sleep.

Dream Induction

Prepare During the Day

  • Use the Deep Playlist or Reality Checks modules in the Lucid Scribe app to play an audio track periodically throughout the day.

  • Each time you hear the track, perform a state test:

    • Instead of merely doing a reality check, actively question your state of consciousness.

    • Ask yourself: Am I dreaming?

    • Examine your surroundings and consider how you arrived at your current location.

    • Look for anything unusual or surreal that might indicate you're in a dream.

Prime for Lucidity at Night

  • When the INSPEC detects rapid eye movement (REM) patterns during sleep, it will play the audio track.

  • Hearing this track in your dream should trigger you to question your state and recognize you’re dreaming, allowing you to take conscious control.

Adjust for Comfort

If the audio track wakes you up:

  • Lower the volume.

  • Play soft background music during the night.

  • Continue with the Dream Exit Induction practice.

Sense of Awareness

Our five senses constantly feed us information. This evokes memories from the past and concerns about the future, which in turn invokes feelings and emotions that feed back into the input from the senses, evoking further memories and thoughts and eventually seeding dreams.

The practice is to develop and train a new sense, so to speak; a sense of awareness. This is done by becoming aware of all input from the senses; and especially aware of how it is processed - as in, which thoughts and feelings the input evokes.

  • Position the INSPEC: Set the device to monitor your face as you sleep, do the same and begin observing yourself.

  • Redirect Awareness: Focus on your senses one at a time:

    • Hearing: Listen for subtle sounds around you.

    • Touch: Notice the weight of your body, the pull of gravity, and the comfort of your bed.

    • Body Awareness: Sense your physical presence and where you are located.

    • Breathing: Observe your breath naturally, without trying to control it.

    • Heartbeat: Feel the rhythm of your heart.

Each time you notice your thoughts drifting off, make an effort to bring your awareness back to the input from the five senses and cycle through them.

(It is focus of attention, of consciousness, which is without diversion or deviation. No other energy available to you as human is as powerful. As a lens will direct energy you call light, so you can use consciousness.)

- Robert Monroe: Far Journeys

Wakeful Induction

Inward Focus

When you notice your thoughts drifting off too much, focus intently on what you can see in the dark with your eyes closed. Look for faint patterns, light, or shapes. Your eyelids should feel heavy and remain closed and relaxed on their own by now.

Eye Positioning

  • Gently roll your closed eyes upward, as if looking toward your eyebrows.

  • Cross them slightly inward, aiming toward the space between your eyebrows.

  • Adjust the position upward until you feel a slight strain, but no pain.

  • Fully relax your eyes every few seconds, then repeat.

Your eyes may begin to twitch when straining upwards and increase the illuminated regions.

This will manually trigger the INSPEC to flash the LED, seeding new regions with residual light and inducing hypnagogic hallucinations and eventually dreams.

Dream Exit Induction

If the audio track or LEDs wake you up from a dream:

  • Remain still and move as little as possible.

  • Think back to the dream you were having and imagine how would have taken conscious control.

  • Visualize yourself flying through the dreamscape:

    • Imagine the feeling of the wind in your face.

    • Sense the feeling of vertigo as you change direction.

  • Expand your situational awareness by questioning where you are located.

  • Repeat the practices: