collection of project with same spa frameworks running under core 1 rc 2 and visual studio 2015.
at the moment this is almost a collection of projects found in internet and checked running under vs configuration, in most of the you'll find the link to the original post.
most of the projects are created using the .net core prototype.
all the samples use typescript.
this collection contains:
prototype running angular 2 rc 1 using systemjs.
prototype running angular 2 rc 1 using webpack.
prototype running aurelia beta and jspm.
prototype running aurelia beta and webpack.
simple library sharing the api controllers and the ef data model.
prototype of and dotnet framework to test the sharing of a library between a .net framework project and a .net core one.
prototype running polymer.
prototype running react.
prototype running react and browserify.
prototype running react + flux.
prototype running react + redux.
prototype running react using for react hot reload.
prototype running react and redux.