This is copy of the ProteoWizard code used to learn and explore the project. See the official ProteoWizard page for details. The orignal code is available at
Apache License Version 2.0 - see LICENSE for details.
git clone [email protected]:lgatto/proteowizard.git
cd proteowizard
Run "" to build ProteoWizard. (Use "quickbuild.bat" for Windows.)
Use the "--help" switch for some useful hints on building ProteoWizard.
Open doc/index.html in a browser for more detailed info on
ProteoWizard, known issues, etc.
See [./pwiz/doc/technical/index.html]
build [everything is built here]
doc [documentation]
example_data [some example data files]
libraries [3rd party library archives]
pwiz [main source tree -- all Apache licensed]
pwiz_aux [non-Apache licensed contributed code]
pwiz_tools [source code for tools]
Here is an outline of the various ProteoWizard projects, organized by dependency level. There may be dependencies within a given level, but there should never be any up-level dependencies. Unless otherwise noted, all projects are cross-platform. Each project's source files are contained in the subdirectory of pwiz of the same name.
- math: Mathematics classes (linear algebra, statistics, special mathematical functions)
- misc: Miscellaneous standalone utility classes (Base64, SHA-1, 2D drawing, unit testing)
- minimxml: XML parsing and writing
- proteome: Chemical formula, peptide, and isotope calculations.
- vendor_api: Vendor-specific API wrappers (Windows only)
- msdata: Mass spec file format abstraction layer.
- ident: identification file format abstraction layer.
- misc: Library containing classes for handling FT transient data, complex frequency data, MS1 peak data.
- vendor_readers: Vendor-specific Reader implementations
- chromatogram_processing: Chromatogram analysis
- frequency: Library of routines for frequency-domain peak detection.
- passive: Event-driven analysis modules
- peakdetect: General interface for peak detection
- peptideid: Modules handling peptide id info abstraction and parsing
- spectrum_processing: Spectrum analysis
- commandline: Command-line tools
- SeeMS: Graphic data visualization program (Windows only)
A code module consists of an interface (Foo.hpp
), implementation
), and a unit test (FooTest.cpp
). The interface should be
self-documenting, with optional inclusion of comment markup for
automated documentation tools (e.g. Doxygen). The unit test serves
two purposes:
- To exercise the module's interface and validate its behavior independent of other modules.
- To document the intended usage of the code module.
Clients of a code module should never need to look at the implementation for questions about usage.
The ProteoWizard data access layer library is pwiz/msdata
, and the
interface and data structure definitions are in MSData.hpp
The data model is a one-to-one translation from mzML data elements to
C++ structs. The root mzML element correspondes to an MSData
and the sub-elements correspond to structs with similar
names. SpectrumList has a virtual interface, which allows for lazy
evaluation backed by a data file.
The mzML controlled vocabulary (CV) is parsed at compile time,
generating cv.hpp
and cv.cpp
. This allows CV terms to be used in a
typesafe manner, and also makes the various CV relations and synonyms
available to C++ client code.
Mapping from the various structs to mzML is done in the IO module, and
diff calculations in Diff. Serializer_mzML
and Serializer_mzXML
allow serializations to/from iostreams in mzML and mzXML formats,
is a subclass of MSData
that adds file I/O
handling. MSDataFile::Reader
provides a generic interface for file
readers. By default, Readers for mzML, mzXML, and Thermo RAW files are
provided. On instantiation with a filename, MSDataFile finds a Reader
that will accept the file, and uses that Reader to fill in the
internal data structures.
with code initially from ./pwiz/doc/technical/hello_pwiz
structure. -
object plus file I/O. -
: interface for file readers. -
: reader classes for mzid, pepXML, protXML. -
: Mascot file reader. -
: writemzid
(tab delimited) files. -
: generate example files. -
: XML read/write. -
: functions for resolving references from objects into the internal MSData lists -
: Translates data from aMinimumPepXML
object into aIdentData
object tree when a translation is known. -