This project is about creating a simplified 3D graphic representation of a relief landscape.
The representation in 3D of a landscape is a critical aspect of modern mapping. For example, in these times of spatial exploration, to have a 3D representation of Mars is a prerequisite condition to its conquest. As another example, comparing various 3D representations of an area of high tectonic activity will allow you to better understand these phenomenon and their evolution, and as a result be better prepared.
- This is the first project in the graphic branch at Codam (42 Network), the full PDF of the assignement can be found in this repository.
- This is a group project (2 people)
- Makefile commands:
make re
make clean
make fclean
- Usage:
./fdf ./fdf [Valid Heightmap File]
The heightmaps can be found in the test_maps folder.
Rotate: Left, Right, Up, Down
Reset: R
Zoom: Moue wheel
Change: height +/-
Change: projection P