Marks each sample as passing or failing
Reads upstream plugins for pass/fail criteria.
Currently these criteria are only coverage and
read quality, from the read metrics plugin.
Additionally, this includes Kraken contamination results.
Contamination is conservatively set at 25% although anything over a smaller percentage might be reported as a warning in
Table with columns
- sample
- assembly - if all sub quality checks pass, then this passes. If all are unknown, then this is unknown. If any fail, then this fails.
- number of Ns (threshold defined in
) or number of genes - longest contiguous contig - longest tract of genome between two Ns
- number of Ns (threshold defined in
- coverage - pass or fail
- quality - pass or fail
- kraken - pass or fail
1 indicates failure; 0 indicates pass; -1 indicates unknown (e.g., if Kraken was never run)