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This project is intended to provide a modular framework for using multiple image-to-text models and then synthesizing them together into a single caption using a downstream LLM. As it stands, default values assume the user has a Nvidia GPU with at least 24GB of VRAM.

This project is in active development, and generally should be considered in a pre-release state.


The system includes the following components:


This script generates captions for a collection of images using BLIP2. By default, the captions are saved in separate files in the image input directory with a '.b2cap' extension.


This script uses Open Flamingo to generate captions. By default, the captions are saved in separate files in the image input directory with a '.flamcap' extension.


This script generates tags for images using pre-trained wd14 models. By default, captions are saved in the image input directory with a '.wd14cap' extension


This script attempts to combine captions/tags using a llama derived model


This script attempts to combine captions/tags using one of OpenAI's GPT models


This script creates a venv and installs the requirements for each module

7. (control script)

This script serves as a control center, enabling the user to choose which tasks to perform by providing different command-line options.

Command Line Options

This project provides a wide range of options for you to customize its behavior. All options are passed to the control script:

Basic Options

  • --use_config_file: absolute path to a config file containing arguments to be used. If using both a config file & CLI arguments this must be the first argument passed. see example_config_file.txt
  • --use_blip2: Generate BLIP2 captions of images in your input directory.
  • --use_open_flamingo: Generate Open Flamingo captions of images in your input directory.
  • --use_wd14: Generate WD14 tags for images in your input directory.
  • --summarize_with_gpt: Use OpenAI's GPT to attempt to combine your caption files into one. (Requires that summarize_openai_api_key argument be passed with a valid OpenAI API key OR the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY be set. If this is set, do not use --summarize_with_llama WARNING: this can get expensive, especially if using GPT-4.)
  • --summarize_with_llama: Use a llama derived local model for combining/summarizing your caption files. If this is set, do not use --summarize_with_gpt
  • --input_directory: Absolute path to the input directory containing the image files you wish to caption.
  • --output_directory: Output directory for saving caption files. If not set, defaults to value passed to --input_directory.

WD14 Model Options

  • --wd14_stack_models: If set, runs three wd14 models ('SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-convnext-tagger-v2', 'SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-vit-tagger-v2', 'SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-swinv2-tagger-v2') and takes the mean of their values.
  • --wd14_model: If not stacking, which wd14 model to run. Default: 'SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-swinv2-tagger-v2'
  • --wd14_threshold: Min confidence threshold for wd14 captions. If wd14_stack_models is passed, the threshold is applied before stacking. Default: 0.5
  • --wd14_filter: Tags to filter out when running wd14 tagger.
  • --wd14_output_extension: File extension that wd14 captions will be saved with. Default: 'wd14cap'

BLIP2 Model Options

  • --blip2_model: BLIP2 model to use for generating captions. Default: 'blip2_opt/caption_coco_opt6.7b'
  • --blip2_use_nucleus_sampling: Whether to use nucleus sampling when generating blip2 captions. Default: False
  • --blip2_beams: Number of beams to use for blip2 captioning. More beams may be more accurate, but are slower and use more VRAM. Default: 6
  • --blip2_max_tokens: max_tokens value to be passed to blip2 model. Default: 75
  • --blip2_min_tokens: min_tokens value to be passed to blip2 model. Default: 20
  • --blip2_top_p: top_p value to be passed to blip2 model. Default: 1.0
  • --blip2_output_extension: File extension that blip2 captions will be saved with. Default: 'b2cap'

Open Flamingo Model Options

  • --flamingo_example_img_dir: Path to Open Flamingo example image/caption pairs.
  • --flamingo_model: Open Flamingo model to be used for captioning. Default: 'openflamingo/OpenFlamingo-9B-vitl-mpt7b'
  • --flamingo_min_new_tokens: min_tokens value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 20
  • --flamingo_max_new_tokens: max_tokens value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 48
  • --flamingo_num_beams: num_beams value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 6
  • --flamingo_prompt: prompt value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 'Output:'
  • --flamingo_temperature: value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 1.0
  • --flamingo_top_k: top_k value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 0
  • --flamingo_top_p: top_p value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 1.0
  • --flamingo_repetition_penalty: Repetition penalty value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 1.0
  • --flamingo_length_penalty: Length penalty value to be passed to Open Flamingo model. Default: 1.0
  • --flamingo_output_extension: File extension that Open Flamingo captions will be saved with. Default: 'flamcap'

Summarization Options

  • --summarize_gpt_model: OpenAI model to use for summarization. Default: 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
  • --summarize_gpt_max_tokens: Max tokens for GPT. Default: 75
  • --summarize_gpt_temperature: Temperature to be set for GPT. Default: 1.0
  • --summarize_gpt_prompt_file_path: File path to a TXT file containing the system prompt to be passed to GPT for summarizing your captions.
  • --summarize_file_extensions: The file extensions/captions you want to be passed to your summarize model. Defaults to values of Flamingo, BLIP2, and WD14 output extensions, e.g., ['wd14cap','flamcap','b2cap'].
  • --summarize_openai_api_key: Value of a valid OpenAI API key. Not needed if the OPENAI_API_KEY env variable is set.
  • --summarize_llama_model_repo_id: Huggingface Repository ID of the Llama model to use for summarization. Must be set in conjunction with --summarize_llama_model_filename. Default: TheBloke/StableBeluga2-70B-GGML
  • --summarize_llama_model_filename: Filename of the specific model to be used for Llama summarization. Must be set in conjunction with --summarize_llama_model_repo_id. Default: stablebeluga2-70b.ggmlv3.q2_K.bin
  • --summarize_llama_prompt_filepath: Path to a prompt file that provides the system prompt for llama summarization
  • --summarize_llama_n_threads: number of cpu threads to run llama model on Default: 4
  • --summarize_llama_n_batch: batch size to load llama model with Default:512
  • --summarize_llama_n_gpu_layers: number of layers to offload to GPU Default: 55
  • --summarize_llama_n_gqa: I honestly don't know, but it needs to be set to to 8 for 70B models Default: 8
  • --summarize_llama_max_tokens: Maximum number of ouput tokens to use for Llama summarization. Default: 75
  • --summarize_llama_temperature: Temperature value for controlling the randomness of Llama summarization. Default: 1.0
  • --summarize_llama_top_p: top_p value to run llama model with Default: 1.0
  • --summarize_llama_frequency_penalty: frequency penalty value to run llama model with Default: 0
  • --summarize_llama_top_presence_penalty: presence penalty value to run llama model with Default: 0


git clone
cd CaptionFusionator


chmod +x
chmod +x



Example Usage

You can run this project by executing the script with your desired options. Here's an example command that utilizes multiple models and summarizes with a llama derived model:


./ --input_directory /path/to/your/image/dir --use_blip2 --use_open_flamingo --use_wd14 --wd14_stack_models --summarize_with_llama

You can run this project by executing the run.ps1 script with your desired options. Here's an example command that utilizes multiple models and summarizes with a llama derived model: Window

./run.ps1 --input_directory /path/to/your/image/dir --use_blip2 --use_open_flamingo --use_wd14 --wd14_stack_models --summarize_with_llama


./run.ps1 --use_config_file ./config_file.txt


(in no particular order)

  • Create .bat counterparts to & for Windows
  • Set better defaults to current modules
  • set default models based on user-defined VRAM value
  • Add MiniGPT4-Batch module
  • Add GIT (i.e. generative image to text) Module
  • Add Deepface Module
  • Add Described Module


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