POC created to test and enhance Go skills
For Development
go build -a -o $GOPATH/bin/password-manager github.com/lpegoraro/password-manager/password-manager
For Usage
go get github.com/lpegoraro/password-manager/password-manager
Using Docker
cd password-manager
sudo docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/go/src/github.com/lpegoraro/password-manager -w /go/src/github.com/lpegoraro/password-manager golang:latest go build -a -o $GOPATH/bin/password-manager ./password-manager/ && sudo docker build -t lpegoraro/password-manager:latest .
$ password-manager
Password Manager in Go version 0.1.0
Usage: `password_manager {COMMANDS} {OPTIONS}`
The command list is the below
help | -h: Prints this message
version | -v: Print the version of the app
get | -g {DESCRIPTION} {USERNAME} {OPTIONS}: Copy the password to the clipboard, for more information use `password_manager get help
add | -a {DESCRIPTION} {USERNAME} {OPTIONS}: Add a new password entry, for more information use `password_manager add help
config | -c {METHOD} {SEED} {FACTOR} {STORAGE_TYPE}: Configure encryption or password generation method
| "Method": Type of password, please choose from the following {uuid | cert | custom }
| "Seed": Any passfrase you would like
| "Factor": Given the Method uuid, you can choose between 4 and 5
| Given the Method cert you can choose the algorithym for the password creation
| "Storage Type": Only supporting "NOT_ENCRYPTED_FILE" storage at the moment, you can choose
| You can choose output also, but you will need to manually configure in the settings since this
| is a development feature only.
- Store in several configurable ways (configuration and multi-package implementation)
- Support most common types of encryption and more password generation methods
- Provide safe web service in API