The point of this project is to offer a Brashmonkey's Spriter SCML renderer compatible with Haxe 3 and openfl. Base code of SCML definitions from
Inspired by
haxelib install SpriterHaxeEngine
Choose your drawing library:
* Example with the TilemapLibrary which uses openfl-atlas (haxelib install openfl-atlas)
//set the root canvas where to add all the animations
var spriterRoot:Sprite = new Sprite();
//get an atlas
var tileset:TilesetEx = new SpriterTileset(Assets.getBitmapData('assets/atlas.png'), Assets.getText('assets/atlas.xml'));
//choose a rendering method.
var lib = new TilemapLibrary([tileset], spriterRoot, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
* Example with the BitmapLibrary which uses BitmapData.copypixels() and BitmapData.draw()
//set the root canvas where to add all the animations
var canvas:BitmapData = new BitmapData(800, 480);
var spriterRoot:Bitmap = new Bitmap(canvas, PixelSnapping.AUTO, true);
//choose a rendering method.
var lib:BitmapLibrary = new BitmapLibrary('assets/', canvas);
* Other libraries exist to use Spriter with flixel and other rendering method!
Instantiate the engine:
//Create the engine.
//you can specify a default scml or you can specify it later in addSpriter()
engine = new SpriterEngine(Assets.getText('assets/test.scml'), lib );
//Add a Spriter in the engine. A Spriter contains all data from the scml (all entities, animations, boxes, tags...)
//By default, it will play the first animation of the first entity of your scml
engine.addSpriter('uniqueId', x, y);
//Set the "run" animation of the entity
engine.getSpriter('uniqueId').playAnim('run', myCallback);
//Apply the "gun" map of the entity
engine.getSpriter('uniqueId').applyCharacterMap('gun', true);
//Update on enter frame to draw all Spriters on screen
//Callback on end anim
function myCallback(s:Spriter):Void
engine.getSpriterAt(0).onVarChanged = function varCallback(name:String, value:Dynamic):Void{}
engine.getSpriterAt(0).onEvent = function eventCallback(name:String):Void{}
engine.getSpriterAt(0).onSound = function soundCallback(name:String):Void{}
//current points and boxes
var points:Array<SpatialInfo> = engine.getSpriterAt(0).points;
var boxes:Array<Quadrilateral> = engine.getSpriterAt(0).boxes;
//current tags
var tags:Array<String> = engine.getSpriterAt(0).tags;
//current variables values
var value:Dynamic = engine.getSpriterAt(0).getVariable('myVar');
//stack anims
engine.getSpriter('uniqueId').playAnimsStackFromEntity("entityName", ["anim1","anim2"], myCallback).
- Can be overrided to fit your need
- simple z-ordering
- Fixed tick, variable tick or use your own time
- Pause
- simple auto removal
- default scml
Spriter entity
- character mapping by name
- change animation easily by name in a Spriter entity
- callback when animation ended
- play, stack anim, pause
- you can display duplicate of spriter entity and manipulate them separatly
- callback when events, sounds are triggered
- callback when variables change
- Points (usage example : to shot a bullet when gun fire)
- Boxes (usage example : hitbox)
- Tags (usage example : state vulnerable)
- sub entities
- playing backward and reflect
- TilemapLibrary (use openfl tilemap, dependency: openfl, openfl-atlas)
- Simple bitmap library (bitmaps handled with addChild, dependency : openfl)
- BitmapData library (copypixels, dependency : openfl)
- Tilelayer library (drawTiles using only one tilesheet)(dependency : openfl-tilelayer and openfl).
- DrawTiles library (using many tilesheets)(dependency : openfl-tilelayer and openfl).
- Flixel Library (atlas support or bitmaps handled with addChild, dependency : flixel) by Zaphod
- Heaps Library (h3d/heaps, dependency : heaps ) by Delahee
- Luxe Library (dependency : luxe )
- override the AbstractLibrary to provide a new library
Other features
- own texture packer exporter
- macro to parse scml into binaries
- flash
- windows
- neko
- android
- html5
- interpolation on variable
- variable/tags of sub entities
- add tilesheet stage 3d support :
- add ash and haxepunk support
- add Flambe support (waiting for pull request, see here
- add Kha support (waiting for pull request, see here
- Optimized engine : draw call only when needed. So "instant" keys are not updated between keys.
- animation callback optimization
- check Garbage collector
The wiki provides more details on features and how it works.
- Please see this repo :
- compatible with Spriter r6.1
- With Tilelayer library, don't use openfl-bitfive for html5 target.
- Please use the best rendering method according to your target.