vatedroid (v8 droid) is a basic sample project demonstrating how to embed v8 in an android application through the android ndk
the v8 source
Android SDK
Android NDK
create an android project with the vatedroid source
android update project --name vatedroid --target
compile the v8 source with for the android arm architecture
run the following from the root directory of the v8 source
make android_arm.release
- locate the v8 libraries generated by building v8
they are buried, start looking in
- copy the v8 static libraries to the libs directory of the android project
copy both libv8_base.a and libv8_nosnapshot.a with something like the following
cp path/to/the/v8/libs/libv8_base.a path/to/your/android/project/libs/libv8_base.a
build the ndk shared library
the ndk root directory must be availabe on your path for the above to work
build the android project
ant debug
ant release
install on device or simulator
adb install <project.apk>
where project.apk is the filename ofthe apk file generated by the previous build step.