offers utility functions for interacting with jpeg exif metadata
currently supports retrieval of TIFF and EXIF data from jpeg images
in progress
in progress
to install the plugin using Cordova CLI
$ cordova plugin add com.ensufire.exifutil
or the PhoneGap CLI
$ phonegap plugin add com.ensufire.exifutl
returns a js object containing the keyed exif header data from a jpeg image
returns a js object containing the keyed Tiff header data from a jpeg image
returns a js object containing the keyed data of the Geolocation subifd of the exif header from a jpeg image
strips all exif data from a given jpeg image
strips the geolocation subifd from the exif header of a jpeg image
|-- plugin.xml
|-- src/
| |-- ios/
| | |-- ExifUtility.h
| | |-- ExifUtility.m
| | |--
| |-- android/
| | |--
| |-- wp8/
| | |--
| |-- bb10
| | |--
|-- www/
|-- |-- exifutility.js
|-- spec/
| |--
- src/ contains native implementations of the plugin
- src/ios contains the iOS native implementation and a for iOS specific details
- www/ contains the js implementation
- spec/ contains unit tests
- spec/exifutility.js the js implementation of the plugin