This package provides a simple error type that can be used to map errors to HTTP and GRPC status codes.
It is heavily inspired by but adds support for GRPC codes.
- go docs
- Examples:
package main
import (
func main() {
err := errs.B().Code(errs.NotFound).Msg("user not found").Err()
// err.Error() == "user not found"
// err.HTTPCode() == 404
// err.GRPCCode() == 5
b, _ := json.Marshal(err)
// Outputs: {"code":"not_found", "message":"user not found"}
- check the tests for more usage and examples
Code | HTTP Status | GRPC Code | Name |
0 | http.StatusInternalServerError | codes.Unknown | Unknown Code |
1 | 499 | codes.Canceled | Canceled |
2 | http.StatusBadRequest | codes.InvalidArgument | InvalidArgument |
3 | http.StatusGatewayTimeout | codes.DeadlineExceeded | DeadlineExceeded |
4 | http.StatusUnauthorized | codes.Unauthenticated | Unauthenticated |
5 | http.StatusNotFound | codes.NotFound | NotFound |
6 | http.StatusConflict | codes.AlreadyExists | AlreadyExists |
7 | http.StatusForbidden | codes.PermissionDenied | Forbidden |
8 | http.StatusTooManyRequests | codes.ResourceExhausted | ResourceExhausted |
9 | http.StatusPreconditionFailed | codes.FailedPrecondition | FailedPrecondition |
10 | http.StatusConflict | codes.Aborted | Aborted |
11 | httpStatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable | codes.OutOfRange | OutOfRange |
12 | http.StatusInternalServerError | codes.Internal | Internal |
13 | http.StatusServiceUnavailable | codes.Unavailable | Unavailable |
14 | http.StatusInternalServerError | codes.DataLoss | DataLoss |
- for grpc codes