- 👋 Hi, I’m André Lopes from Brazil
- 🎓 BSc. Software Engineering Student @ Uninter
- 🎓 Spec. Quality and Production Management @ University of Toronto
- 🎓 Tech. Electronics Engineering @ ETEP Faculdades
- 🌐 https://andrelopes.dev/
Google Developer Student Club Lead at Uninter's Chapter and its Founder. Google DSC Leads are leaders who believe that technology can do extraordinary things for the world.
As a Google DSC Lead, my main roles are:
Work with my university to start a student club. Select a core team and faculty advisor to support.
Host workshops to grow student knowledge on developer products and platforms through hands-on workshops and events.
Identify local partners to work with and lead project building activities.
Access to community management training and technical knowledge to help me be a stronger leader. Invitations to select Google events.
Access to a global network of student leaders, professional community organizers, industry experts, and Googlers to gain mentorship and share knowledge.
As Backend Developer I am in charge of:
- Develop a web application (Django, Angular, PostgreSQL) to help small communities of agricultors and families to connect and support their non-profit CSA (Comunidade que Suporta a Agricultura, or Community that Supports Agriculture) organizations.
ROVs (underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles) are basically submarine robots operated from a cockpit on an special vessel or oil rig, all programmed in C++, ROS 2 and Qt. I am not a developer of the ROV's software but an Operations and Maintenance Supervisor, mainly performing inspections and interventions of subsea oilfield equipment.
I have mobilized, interfaced and commissioned multiple ROV systems, equipment from different manufacturers, using specific interfaces and communication protocols in order to centralize and interpret different returns on a main controller surface software.
Installation, operation and maintenance of subsea sensors and devices, such as: UHD cameras, Digiquartz® depth sensor, acoustic positioning systems, sonars, microcontrollers and microprocessors, fiber optics modems, and multiplexers.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Python, JavaScript, C/C++, Computer Networking, and Operating Systems.
- 📫 Please feel free to reach me at [email protected] or LinkedIn/andrefelipelopes .