My workspace, containing almost everything. Such as implementation of books, docs, tutorials, reference.
- π§ In Progress: Working...
- π Just So So: It feels average
- π¨βπ» Follow the Tutorial: Does not require much creativity
- β Nice Work: Relative to the ability when done, it is a good project
- π Split out: Split from subfolder out to a new repo because for maintainability or revealing
- π Embarrassed: Don't want to continue (although the most part of it is complete or there is only some bugs)
- π Chinese Only Now: Now only have Chinese version
- π Private Now: Temporarily locked because of some early work
A object-ocaml
compiler, using the top-down + trick
translation approach, with LLVM
toolchains, and is written by rust
- Parser
- Tokenizer
- AST Parser
- Codegen
- Optimization
- IR gen
- ASM gen
- Driver & Intergration
- Token Mode
- AST Mode
- Interpreter Mode
- JIT Mode
- Compiler Mode
2. Minsys Assembler π
This project is a nine-task task of the "Computer Design and Practice" course to implement a Minisys
assembler. There is a one-to-one correspondence between assembly instructions and instructions, that is, the process of literal translation.
3. Naive Compiler βππ
This project is a C89 Parser implemented by Rust, and it achieves:
- Combinator-based regular engine
- All C89-oriented syntax parser
- Most C89-oriented semantic (grammer) parser
4. GC Book π§π
This project includes the naive C++ implementation of a variety of algorithms in the "The Algorithm Section" of the "Algorithms and Implementation" book, and the understanding and notes on various designs in the "The Implement Section".
1. Minelliusβπ
Minellius, a experimental github data analysis solution, which designed to combine data collection, persistence, integration, analysis, visualization, real-time monitoring, trend tracking, originating from a group project of COMP-3002, 2018 fall, HITSZ.
2. WebAPI π¨βπ»π§
Learn various new web API with MDN:
- custom element
- fetch
- local worker
3. MathML π¨βπ»
Learn MathML with MDN.
1. Rusty Leetcodeβπ
Provide all my leetcode solutions with rust language.
For a small amount of questions without rust version, I will point out their programming language.
2. Codewars Kaleidoscopeππ
Multiple programming language solutions for, including the following languages now:
- C++
- C#
- Dart
- Haskell
- Java
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Javascript
- Typescript
3. Nowcoder Collectionβπ
My solution collection of, including the following collections now:
- Coding Interviews
- JS Assessment
4. CSP Challenges π
My solution collection to CSP.
1. CMake Node Starter βπ
Starter for nodejs addons development with bare cmake instead of node-gyp or cmake-js.
2. V8 Learn RS ππ§π
A trial to learn v8 with rusty_v8.
3. Javascript Questions π¨βπ»
Test-Driven javascript exercise.
4. Learn Libs π¨βπ»
Learn ecmascript & typescript libs with writing code from tutorials:
- learn-angular
1. COMP3005 βπ
The labs and tasks of COMP3005, HITSZ - Artificial Intelligence. Implement an agent bot in the Pac-Man game.
2. COMP3006 π
Part of the labs and tasks of COMP3006, HITSZ - Introduction to Machine Learning. Identify security risks from a sequence of system API access records.
3. COMP3007 β
Part of the labs and tasks of COMP3007, HITSZ - Pattern recognition. Implement the naive bayes and nearest neighbors algorithm.
4. COMP3009 π
The labs and tasks of COMP3009, HITSZ - Introduction to Big Data.
- Exp1: Analyze the characteristics of the given bank data
- Exp2: Preprocess, learn, regression predict and test the given bank data
- Lab1: User traditional statistics to analyze user account data
- Lab2: Crawling house data from the centain site
- Lab3: Use decision tree, naive bayes, ensemble methods and neural network to learn, predict and test on the iris data and the house data crawlered in lab2
COMP3021 π
Part of the labs and tasks of COMP3021, HITSZ - Natural language processing.
- Task1: Implement some simple preprocessing of NLP
- Task2: Process a given dataset using a relatively complete NLP pipeline
- Task3: Analyze given food reviews using modern tools to identify food safety issues
COMP3031 π
Part of the labs and tasks of COMP3031, HITSZ - WEB Information Processing. Implement LDA by myself, and analyze text with the function.
COMP3035 π
Part of the labs and tasks of COMP3035, HITSZ - Computational Finance.
- Task1: Crawler Fi-news from the certain fiance news site
- Task2: Forest stock price with traditional machine learning and nerual network
1. Chainbankβπ
A tiny bank demo based on lens blockchain. Project of course COMP-3026, 2019 fall, HITSZ.
2. COMP3003 π
Part of the labs and tasks of COMP3021, HITSZ - Computer Network. Implement ICMP echo and simple web server.
1. COMP3010 ππ
The labs and tasks of COMP3010, HITSZ - Database.
- Task1: Write some SQLs to finish a series of function
- Task2: Execute some SQL with a console app
- Task3: Write a full app with a certain database
- Task4: Write a database engine
1. Rustudy π¨βπ»
Learn Rust with "the RUST Book".
2. Dive into Rust π¨βπ»
Learn Rust with the book "Dive into Rust".
Demo to use rust to generate wasm.
4. Actix Learn π¨βπ»π§
Learn actix and actix web with the tutorials.
1. CMake Emscripten Explore ππ§π
Explore emscripten, binaryen, wasi and so on with cmake and c++.
2. CPPIA π¨βπ»
Learn CPP concurrency with the book "C++ Concurrency in Action".
3. EMCPP π¨βπ»
Learn modern CPP with the book "Effective Modern C++".
1. GE Demo π§
Write a game engine demo.
1. Modern Computer Graphics ππ§π
Learn Graphics with the tigger book and GAMES-101.
2. COMP3018 π
Part of the labs and tasks of COMP3018, HITSZ - Computer Vision.
- Task1: Learn several part of opencv
- Task2: Identify palm prints with opencv
3. OpenGL Step by Step π¨βπ»
Learn traditional OpenGL step by step.
1. Essential CS π¨βπ»
Learn C# with the book "Essential CSharp".
1. Haskell For Fun π¨βπ»
Learn Haskell with the book "Haskell for Fun".
1. Dart Tour π¨βπ»
Learn Dart with the dart tutorial.
2. Flutter in Action π¨βπ»π§
Learn Flutter with the book "Flutter in Action" by writing a flutter app.
1. Ruby Study π¨βπ»
Learn Ruby with the ruby tutorials.
2. Rails Study π¨βπ»
Learn Rails with the rails tutorials.
1. Prog Scala π¨βπ»
Learn Scala with the book "Programming in Scala".