Bumblr, a Tumblr replica, is a platform where users can share posts, engage in discussions through comments, express their appreciation via likes, and connect by following each other. This is a group project at aA Academy created by Brandon Vang, Jimmy Xu, Richard Lee, and Makoto Doi.
- Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
- Users can use a demo login to try the site.
- Users can't use certain features without logging in (like posting, commenting, liking, and following).
- Logged-in users are directed to their profile page which displays their posts and details.
- Logged-out users are directed to a landing page showcasing trending or recent posts.
- Users can create, update, and delete posts.
- Posts can contain text or images.
- Each post displays its author, content, timestamp, and associated likes.
- Users can navigate to a detailed view of a post which includes its comments.
- The main feed displays posts from all users or just from those a user follows, by changing the tab.
- User can see Notes counts as the combination of Likes and Comments for each post.
- Users can comment on any post.
- Users can update or delete their own comments.
- Each comment displays its author and content.
- Comments are displayed beneath the post they are associated with.
- Users can like and unlike posts.
- Each post displays a count of its likes.
- Users can view a list of who has liked a particular post.
- Users can follow and unfollow other users.
- Users have a follower and following count on their profile.
- The main feed can be filtered to show posts only from followed users.
Users can check if they're authenticated.
GET api/auth
Users can log in.
POST api/auth/login
Users can log out.
POST api/auth/login
Users can sign up.
POST api/auth/signup
An unauthorized endpoint to handle authentication failures.
POST api/auth/unauthorized
Users can view all users.
GET api/posts
Users can retrieve a specific user by their ID.
GET api/users/<id>
Users can view all posts.
GET api/posts/all
Users can retrieve all posts created by the current logged-in user.
GET api/posts/current
Users can retrieve a specific post by its ID.
GET api/posts/<post_id>
Users can create a post.
POST api/posts
Users can update a specific post by its ID.
PUT api/posts/<post_id>
Users can delete a specific post by its ID.
DELETE api/posts/<post_id>
Users can add media to a specific post by its ID.
POST api/posts/<post_id>/medias
Users can delete a specific media by its ID.
DELETE api/medias/<id>
Users can retrieve all comments for a specific post.
GET api/comments/<post_id>
Users can add a comment to a specific post.
POST api/comments/<post_id>/new
Users can update a specific comment on a post.
PUT api/comments/<comment_id>
Users can delete a specific comment from a post.
DELETE api/comments/<comment_id>
Users can view likes on a specific post.
GET api/likes/<post_id>
Users can retrieve all likes given by a specific user.
GET api/likes/users/<user_id>
Users can retrieve all likes given by the currently logged-in user.
GET api/likes/users/current
Users can like a specific post.
POST api/likes/<post_id>/likes
Users can unlike a specific post.
DELETE api/likes/<like_id>
Logged-in users can retrieve a list of users they are following.
GET api/follows/following
Users can retrieve a list of users that another specific user is following.
GET api/follows/<user_id>/following
Logged-in users can follow another user.
POST api/follows/<user_id>
Logged-in users can unfollow another user.
DELETE api/follows/<user_id>
./CreateBar/ ./DeleteConfirmModal/ ./Footer/ ./Likes/ ./LoginFormPage/ ./OpenModalButton/ ./SignupFormModal/ ./auth/ ./CreatePost/ ./Follows/ ./IconCollection/ ./LoginFormModal/ ./Navigation/ ./PostIndex/ ./SignupFormPage/
store = {
session: {},
posts: {
allPosts: {},
singlePost: {},
comments: {
post: {
user: {
likes: {
postLikes: [],
userLikes: [],
follows: {
loggedInUserFollowing: [],
userFollowing: []
Post Index
- Path: /
- Component: PostIndex
- Directory: ./PostIndex/
- Description: Displays the main post index or landing page.
User Likes
- Path: /likes
- Component: UserLikes
- Directory: ./Likes/
- Description: Displays all the likes by the logged-in user.
Follows List
- Path: /following
- Component: FollowsList
- Directory: ./Follows/
- Description: Displays a list of users that the current user is following.
User Current
- Path: /current
- Component: UserCurrent
- Directory: Not Provided
- Description: Shows posts or other related content specific to the currently logged-in user.
Create Media Form
- Path: /NewMedia
- Component: CreateMediaForm
- Directory: ./CreatePost/ or ./CreateBar/
- Description: Provides a form for users to create and upload new media.
Login Form
- Path: /login
- Component: LoginFormPage
- Directory: ./LoginFormPage/ or ./LoginFormModal/
- Description: Displays the login form for users.
Signup Form
- Path: /signup
- Component: SignupFormPage
- Directory: ./SignupFormPage/ or ./SignupFormModal/
- Description: Presents the signup form for new users.
- Delete Confirm Modal: ./DeleteConfirmModal/
- Footer: ./Footer/
- Icon Collection: ./IconCollection/
- Navigation: ./Navigation/
- Open Modal Button: ./OpenModalButton/
- Auth: ./auth/
Flask/ React/ Redux/ sqlAlchemy/ postgreSQL/ AWS S3
- Media Upload and Post Creation:
- Redux: Maintaining the state of the media being uploaded, especially when dealing with multiple file uploads, and reflecting that in the global state was a challenge.
- Flask Integration: Making sure that the uploaded files are processed and stored correctly on the Flask backend.
- Error Handling: Providing clear error messages to the user in cases of failed uploads or unsupported file formats.
BrandonVang; LinkedIn: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-vang-a80518171/', GitHub: 'https://github.com/BrandonVang', email: '[email protected]',
Jimmy Xu; LinkedIn: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/ccnuxuji/', GitHub: 'https://github.com/ccnuxuji', email: '[email protected]',
Richard Lee; LinkedIn: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-lee-335389236/', GitHub: 'https://github.com/RichyLee95', email: '[email protected]',
Makoto Doi; LinkedIn: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/makoto-doi/', GitHub: 'https://github.com/londelidess', email: '[email protected]',