Remember that script you've always wanted to help you getting started with something in Linux? This repository is about that. :D
- Ubuntu 18.04 (Tested)
This is usually useful when using a machine that already/also have Windows installed. This solved the time that changes every time you change from Operational System.
This script installs build-essentials, cmake, python3, net-tools (ifconfig), and possible more useful stuffs for developers.
Go to crypto/selfsigning/
folder. Modify the san.cnf file at your will. And run the following command.
If you do not change any variable, then your private key will be in my_key.key, your certificate signing request file will be my_csr.csr, and your self-signed certificate will be in my_cert_crt.
Simple and direct. May need to reboot the machine.
To reboot the machine (please be sure you've saved all your work before this):
sudo reboot
Yes, it will ask for password. If you're not a sudoer, just remove sudo from the command.