This sender sends logs messages to your account in JSON format, using non-blocking threading, bulks, and HTTPS encryption. Please note that this sender requires java 8 and up.
This appender uses BigQueue implementation of persistent queue, so all logs are backed up to a local file system before being sent. Once you send a log, it will be enqueued in the queue and 100% non-blocking. There is a background task that will handle the log shipment for you. This jar is an "Uber-Jar" that shades both BigQueue, Gson and Guava to avoid "dependency hell".
If you use Gradle, add the dependency to your project as follows:
implementation 'io.logz.sender:logzio-java-sender:${logzio-sender-version}'
Parameter | Default | Explained |
token | None | Your token, which can be found under "settings" in your account. |
logzioType | java | The log type for that sender |
drainTimeoutSec | 5 | How often the sender should drain the queue (in seconds) |
logzioUrl | | URL, that can be found under "Log Shipping -> Libraries" in your account. |
socketTimeout | 10 * 1000 | The socket timeout during log shipment |
connectTimeout | 10 * 1000 | The connection timeout during log shipment |
debug | false | Print some debug messages to stdout to help to diagnose issues |
compressRequests | false | Boolean. true if logs are compressed in gzip format before sending. false if logs are sent uncompressed. |
exceedMaxSizeAction | cut |
String. cut to truncate the message field or drop to drop log that exceed the allowed maximum size for logzio. If the log size exceeding the maximum size allowed after truncating the message field, the log will be dropped. |
withOpentelemetryContext | true |
Boolean. Add trace_id, span_id, service_name fields to logs when opentelemetry context is available. |
Parameter | Default | Explained |
inMemoryQueueCapacityInBytes | 1024 * 1024 * 100 | The amount of memory(bytes) we are allowed to use for the memory queue. If the value is -1 the sender will not limit the queue size. |
logsCountLimit | -1 | The number of logs in the memory queue before dropping new logs. Default value is -1 (the sender will not limit the queue by logs count) |
Parameter | Default | Explained |
queueDir | None | Where the sender should store the queue. It should be at least one folder in path. |
fileSystemFullPercentThreshold | 98 | The percent of used file system space at which the sender will stop queueing. When we will reach that percentage, the file system in which the queue is stored will drop all new logs until the percentage of used space drops below that threshold. Set to -1 to never stop processing new logs |
gcPersistedQueueFilesIntervalSeconds | 30 | How often the disk queue should clean sent logs from disk |
checkDiskSpaceInterval | 1000 | How often the should disk queue check for space (in milliseconds) |
From version 1.0.15 we use a builder to get sender
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class LogzioSenderExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HttpsRequestConfiguration conf = HttpsRequestConfiguration
// Use one of the following implementations
// 1) disk queue example
LogzioSender logzioSender = LogzioSender
.setReporter(new LogzioStatusReporter(){/*implement simple interface for logging sender logging */})
// 2) in memory queue example
LogzioSender logzioSender = LogzioSender
.setReporter(new LogzioStatusReporter(){/*implement simple interface for logging sender logging */})
JsonObject jsonMessage = createLogMessage(); // create JsonObject to send to
Until version 1.0.14
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class LogzioSenderExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LogzioSender sender = LogzioSender.getOrCreateSenderByType(token, logzioType, drainTimeoutSec,fileSystemFullPercentThreshold, queueDir,
logzioUrl, socketTimeout, serverTimeout, true, new LogzioStatusReporter(){/*implement simple interface for logging sender logging */}, Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2),30);
JsonObject jsonMessage = createLogMessage(); // create JsonObject to send to
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd logzio-java-sender
- Build and run tests:
mvn clean compile
mvn test
- 2.2.0
- Add
parameter to addtrace_id
fields to logs when opentelemetry context is available.
- Add
- 2.1.0
- Upgrade packages versions
- 2.0.1
- Add
header with information
- Add
- Replaced
module:- Fixes an issue where DiskQueue was not clearing disk space when using JDK 11 and above.
- Added
- enables to clear the disk/in memory queue on demand.
- Replaced
- 1.1.8
- Fix an issue where log is not being truncated properly between size of 32.7k to 500k.
Expand to check old versions
- 1.1.7 - replaced bigqueue dependency to a better maintained module - 1.1.5 - dependency bumps - validation and handling for oversized logs with exceedMaxSizeAction parameter - 1.1.2 - LogsQueue interface is now public - 1.1.1 - bug fix - 1.1.0 - remove deprecated getOrCreateSenderByType function - changed logzioSenderInstances Map key to hold an immutable pair of hashed token and log type - 1.0.19-20 - minor dependency security updates - 1.0.18 - add byte[] send option - 1.0.17 - add support for log count limit option - 1.0.16 - add implementation for in memory queue - 1.0.12 - separating https request from the sender - add a builder for sender, http configuration, and queues implementation - 1.0.11 fix shaded - 1.0.10 add gzip compression - 1.0.9 add auto deploy - 1.0.8 fix st issue: [Shaded library still listed as dependencies](#13) - 1.0.6 -1.0.7 - add error message about reason of 400(BAD REQUEST) - 1.0.5 - add runtime dependency on slf4j-api - fix NulPointerException - 1.0.1-1.0.4 - Fix dependencies issue - 1.0.0 - Initial release- Fork
- Code
mvn test
- Issue a PR :)