Create custom metrics in your Go application and ship them to, using the exporter that sends cumulative metrics data from the OpenTelemetry Go SDK to using the Prometheus Remote Write API.
This exporter integrates with the OpenTelemetry Go SDK's Controller.
The Controller periodically collects data and passes it to this exporter. The exporter
then converts this data into
, a format that
accepts, and sends it to through HTTP POST requests. The request body is formatted
according to the protocol defined by the Prometheus Remote Write API. See Prometheus's
remote storage integration
for more details on the Remote Write API.
- Installation
- Configuring the Exporter
- Setting up the Metric Instruments Registry
- Metric Instrument to Aggregation Mapping
- Metric Instrumentation and Recording Values
- Error Handling
- Retry Logic
- Full Example
go get
The Exporter requires certain information, such as the metrics listener URL, metrics token and push interval
duration, to function properly. This information is stored in a Config
struct, which is
passed into the Exporter during the setup pipeline.
import (
metricsExporter ""
m ""
semconv ""
func newLogzioExporter() (*metricsExporter.Exporter, error) {
return metricsExporter.New(
LogzioMetricsListener: "https://<<LOGZIO_METRICS_LISTENER>>:8053",
LogzioMetricsToken: "<<LOGZIO_METRICS_TOKEN>>",
RemoteTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
PushInterval: 10 * time.Second,
Quantiles: []float64{0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1},
AddMetricSuffixes: true,
ExternalLabels: map[string]string{
- Replace
with your metrics listener URL. - Replace
with your metrics token. - Replace
with a label you want to apply to all metrics. You can add more labels if needed or remove theExternalLabels
section entirely if you don't want to add any global labels.
type Config struct {
LogzioMetricsListener string
LogzioMetricsToken string
RemoteTimeout time.Duration
PushInterval time.Duration
Quantiles []float64
HistogramBoundaries []float64
ExternalLabels map[string]string
AddMetricSuffixes bool
Parameter Name | Description | Required/Optional | Default |
LogzioMetricsListener | The metrics Listener URL for your region with port 8053. | Required | |
LogzioMetricsToken | The metrics shipping token securely directs the data to your account. | Required | - |
RemoteTimeout | The timeout for requests to the remote write metrics listener endpoint. | Required | 30 (seconds) |
PushInterval | The time interval for sending the metrics to | Required | 10 (seconds) |
Quantiles | The quantiles of the histograms. | Optional | [0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99] |
HistogramBoundaries | The histogram boundaries. | Optional | - |
ExternalLabels | Allow adding global labels to all metrics that are processed by the exporter. | Optional | - |
AddMetricSuffixes | Adds Unit suffix to the metric, if the Unit was defined. | Optional | false |
Create Meter
to be able to create metric instruments.
func newResource() (*resource.Resource, error) {
return resource.Merge(resource.Default(),
func newMeterProvider(res *resource.Resource) (*metric.MeterProvider, error) {
metricExporter, err := newLogzioExporter()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider(
return meterProvider, nil
// create a context
con := context.Background()
// Create resource
res, err := newResource()
if err != nil {
// Create a meter provider.
meterProvider, err := newMeterProvider(res)
if err != nil {
// Handle shutdown properly so nothing leaks.
defer func() {
if err := meterProvider.Shutdown(con); err != nil {
// Register as global meter provider so that it can be used via otel.Meter
// and accessed using otel.GetMeterProvider.
// Most instrumentation libraries use the global meter provider as default.
// If the global meter provider is not set then a no-op implementation
// is used, which fails to generate data.
meter := otel.Meter("example-meter") // replace `example-meter` with any custom instrumentation meter name you'd like
The exporter uses the simple
selector's metric.DefaultAggregationSelector()
. This means
that instruments are mapped to aggregations as shown in the table below.
Instrument | Behavior | Aggregation |
Counter | a synchronous Instrument which supports non-negative increments. | Sum |
Asynchronous Counter | an asynchronous Instrument which reports monotonically increasing value(s) when the instrument is being observed. | Sum |
Histogram | a synchronous Instrument which can be used to report arbitrary values that are likely to be statistically meaningful. It is intended for statistics such as histograms, summaries, and percentile. | Histogram |
Asynchronous Gauge | an asynchronous Instrument which reports non-additive value(s) when the instrument is being observed. | Gauge |
UpDownCounter | a synchronous Instrument which supports increments and decrements. | Sum |
Asynchronous UpDownCounter | an asynchronous Instrument which reports additive value(s) when the instrument is being observed. | Sum |
For more information, see the OpenTelemetry documentation.
- You can use
attribute.<<TYPE>>("<<LABEL_KEY>>", "<<LABEL_VALUE>>")
to add labels to your metric instruments. You can add more than oneattribute
(see explanation in last steps).
// Create counter instruments
counter, err := meter.Int64Counter(
"int_counter", // name of the metric
// m.WithUnit("ms") // add unit to the metric if you want
m.WithDescription("Counts the total number of requests"),
floatCounter, err := meter.Float64Counter("float_counter") // name of the metric
// Record values to the metric instruments and add labels
counter.Add(con, 1)
counter.Add(con, 10, m.WithAttributes(attribute.Key("<<LABEL_KEY>>").String("<<LABEL_VALUE>>")))
floatCounter.Add(con, 2.5)
// Create callbacks for your observable counter instruments
// Float64ObservableCounter is also a supported type
observableCounter, err := meter.Int64ObservableCounter(
"observable_counter", // name of the metric
// m.WithUnit("By"), // add unit to the metric if you want
m.WithDescription("observable counter description"),
_, err = meter.RegisterCallback(
func(con context.Context, o m.Observer) error {
o.ObserveInt64(observableCounter, 10, m.WithAttributes(attribute.Key("<<LABEL_KEY>>").String("<<LABEL_VALUE>>")))
return nil
// Create Histogram instruments
intHistogram, err := meter.Int64Histogram(
"histogram-meter", // name of the metric
// m.WithUnit("seconds") // add unit to the metric if you want
m.WithDescription("Histogram description"),
floatHistogram, err := meter.Float64Histogram("float-histogram-meter") // name of the metric
// Record values to the metric instruments and add labels
intHistogram.Record(con, 2)
intHistogram.Record(con, 2, m.WithAttributes(attribute.Key("<<LABEL_KEY>>").String("<<LABEL_VALUE>>")))
floatHistogram.Record(con, 3.4)
g, err := meter.Int64Gauge(
// m.WithUnit("seconds"), // add unit to the metric if you want
m.WithDescription("Gauge description"),
g.Record(con, 4)
g.Record(con, 4, m.WithAttributes(attribute.Key("<<LABEL_KEY>>").String("<<LABEL_VALUE>>")))
// Create callbacks for your observable up-down counter instruments
// Float64ObservableGauge is also a supported type
observableGauge, err := meter.Int64ObservableGauge(
"observable_gauge", // name of the metric
// m.WithUnit("By"), // add unit to the metric if you want
m.WithDescription("observable gauge description"),
_, err = meter.RegisterCallback(
func(con context.Context, o m.Observer) error {
o.ObserveInt64(observableGauge, 10, m.WithAttributes(attribute.Key("<<LABEL_KEY>>").String("<<LABEL_VALUE>>")))
return nil
intUpDownCounter, err := meter.Int64UpDownCounter(
"int_up_down_counter", // name of the metric
// m.WithUnit("ms"), // add unit to the metric if you want
m.WithDescription("Up-down counter description"),
floatUpDownCounter, err := meter.Float64UpDownCounter(
"float_up_down_counter", // name of the metric
m.WithDescription("Up-down counter description"),
intUpDownCounter.Add(con, 5)
floatUpDownCounter.Add(con, 5.6, m.WithAttributes(attribute.Key("<<LABEL_KEY>>").String("<<LABEL_VALUE>>")))
// Create callbacks for your observable up-down counter instruments
// Float64ObservableUpDownCounter is also a supported type
observableCounter, err := meter.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter(
"observable_up_down_counter", // name of the metric
// m.WithUnit("By"), // add unit to the metric if you want
m.WithDescription("observable up down counter description"),
_, err = meter.RegisterCallback(
func(con context.Context, o m.Observer) error {
o.ObserveInt64(observableCounter, 10, m.WithAttributes(attribute.Key("<<LABEL_KEY>>").String("<<LABEL_VALUE>>")))
return nil
In general, errors are returned to the calling function / method. Eventually, errors make
their way up to the push Controller where it calls the exporter's Export()
method. The
push Controller passes the errors to the OpenTelemetry Go SDK's global error handler.
The exception is when the exporter fails to send an HTTP request to Regardless of status code, the error is ignored. See the retry logic section below for more details.
The exporter does not implement any retry logic since the exporter sends cumulative metrics data, which means that data will be preserved even if some exports fail.
For example, consider a situation where a user increments a Counter
instrument 5 times
and an export happens between each increment. If the exports happen like so:
1 2 3 4 5
Then the received data will be:
1 4 5
The end result is the same since the aggregations are cumulative.
package main
import (
metricsExporter ""
m ""
semconv ""
func newLogzioExporter() (*metricsExporter.Exporter, error) {
return metricsExporter.New(
LogzioMetricsListener: "",
LogzioMetricsToken: "<<LOGZIO_METRICS_TOKEN>>",
RemoteTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
PushInterval: 10 * time.Second,
Quantiles: []float64{0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1},
AddMetricSuffixes: true,
ExternalLabels: map[string]string{
func newResource() (*resource.Resource, error) {
return resource.Merge(resource.Default(),
func newMeterProvider(res *resource.Resource) (*metric.MeterProvider, error) {
metricExporter, err := newLogzioExporter()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider(
// Default is 1m. Set to 3s for demonstrative purposes.
return meterProvider, nil
func main() error {
con := context.Background()
res, err := newResource()
if err != nil {
meterProvider, err := newMeterProvider(res)
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if err := meterProvider.Shutdown(con); err != nil {
meter := otel.Meter("example-meter")
counter, err := meter.Int64Counter(
m.WithDescription("Counts the total number of requests"),
if err != nil {
counter.Add(con, 1)
counter.Add(con, 10, m.WithAttributes(attribute.Key("metricLabel").String("val")))