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ClioDB is a relational, non-SQL database patterned after Datomic. Key features:

  1. Records are stored as immutable, append-only triples of (entity, attribute, value), stored in covering indexes in a pluggable key-value store backend

  2. A declarative query language similar to Datalog or SPARQL

  3. CQRS-style separation of reads and writes; writes go through a single transactor process for ACID compliance [incomplete], while reads are executed independently by the client accessing the backing store, so that reads can be scaled independently of writes and benefit from pervasive caching

  4. Queries are executed on the client via a peer library that accesses the backing store, and do not go through the transactor process

  5. Database-as-value: because the database is immutable and append-only, queries can be executed against a snapshot of the database at a point in time -- either when the query began, or any arbitrary point in the past [incomplete]

  6. Transactions are reified as entities in the database, and can be queried like any other entity [incomplete]

It is pre-alpha quality software, very much not done, and you should not trust it with your data! But if you'd like to help make it better, contributions are very welcome.


You will need a recent nightly version of Rust to compile the project, In order to use the SQLite backend you also need to have SQLite installed. Then:

cargo build

To start a repl where you can add facts and query a SQLite-backed database, first run the transactor:

target/debug/clio-transactor --store cliodb:sqlite:///path/to/sqlite/file.db

Then, in a different terminal:

target/debug/clio-cli cliodb:sqlite:///path/to/sqlite/file.db tcp://localhost:10405

Adding a fact looks like this:

 add (0 name "Logan")

(0 name "Logan") is a fact in entity, attribute, value form. To see all the facts currently in the database, you can type dump.

Facts are never deleted from the database. Instead, when a fact should no longer be true, you can issue a retraction:

retract (0 name "Logan")
add (0 name "Logan's new name")

In the future, this will enable querying the database as of some earlier point in time, leaving an auditable trail of changes to the DB.

You can simultaneously create a new entity and add a number of attributes about it using this dictionary-style syntax:

{name "Logan" github:username "loganmhb" project "ClioDB"}

In order to use an attribute in a fact, you must first register it in the database. You do this by adding an entity with the db:ident and db:valueType attributes (the db:ident attribute defines the identifier, and the db:valueType attribute specifies which primitive type the attribute's value can be):

{db:ident name db:valueType db:type:string}

In the future, information about the attribute's uniqueness and cardinality will be required as well; currently, the database does not enforce uniqueness constraints and all attributes have an implicit cardinality of many.

Queries look like this:

find ?entity where (?entity name "Logan")

There can be any number of clauses after the where, e.g.:

find ?name where (?person name "Bob) (?person parent ?child) (?child name ?name)

Symbols starting with a question mark are free logic variables, and the query is executed by trying to unify the variables in all the clauses. So the above query is asking, "What is the name of the child of the person named "Bob"?

Currently values can only be strings, timestamps, identifiers or references to other entities, but I hope to extend the query language soon to support more primitive types and more sophisticated relationships.


Help is most welcome! Let me know if you're interested and I am happy to provide direction and assistance.

Specific features that I've thought about and have ideas on implementing are:

  1. Idents as shorthand for entities -- in Datomic, when you register the :db/ident attribute for an entity, you can use that value as a shorthand to refer to the entity. This allows you to define enumerated types, among other things; for example (shown without any schema):
# Define attributes
{db:ident color:red}
{db:ident color:blue}
{db:ident person:favcolor}
{db:ident person:name}

# Add some facts
{person:name "Logan" person:favcolor color:red}
{person:name "John" person:favcolor color:blue}

Something similar is possible now by relying on identifiers rather than entities as the enumerated types, but without interning the identifiers as entities this is much less efficient and provides less security -- adding a reference to a non-existent entity would fail, whereas a typo in a non-interned ident would just give you a new, different ident.

  1. Improvments to the query language. The two biggest missing pieces are more primitive types (e.g. numbers) and user-defined functions. User-defined functions are not as important as they would be in some other database systems because it's not substantially more efficient to execute one big query than several small ones, since they're all executed clientside and make a similar number of fetches to the backing store, but this is critical for supporting useful transactions. The most obvious path is to define a db:function primitive type that stores Lua scripts or something like that which the transactor can execute. Alternatively, implementing some kind of primitive 'compare-and-set' functionality would allow you to implement basic transactional behavior.

  2. Ability to query the database as of a particular transaction or point in time -- this just requires filtering records by transaction time and should be pretty simple to implement

  3. Improved indexing strategies: not everything should be added to the AVET or VAET indexes, for example. These are only necessary for supporting indexed attributes, uniqueness constraints, and reference types. The query engine also does not use these indexes optimally, and it should for certain queries.

  4. Data partitions: Datomic assigns entities to partitions, which are encoded in the upper bits of the entity id. This causes entities in the same partition to get sorted together, which improves cache availablitity and also has some nice benefits for the amount of copying needed during reindexing, I think.

  5. Cardinality/uniqueness options: it should be possible to specify whether an attribute can have one or many values for a particular entity, and whether an attribute must be unique.

  6. Entity API -- given a database entity id, you should be able to access its attributes hash-map style

  7. Pipelined transactions -- currently transactions are processed and committed one at a time, but if more than one transaction is in flight at a time it should be possible to batch their writes to the backing store together. (The transactions would still commit or rollback individually, so the semantics would remain unchanged but performance could improve considerably, especially if most transactions are simple.) It might even be desirable to reorder transactions received by the transactor in order to facilitate this batching -- for instance, to prioritize simple transactions over ones that do "compare-and-set" operations)

Known issues

There are many problems, and FIXMEs littered throughout the code base. It does not work very well!

The biggest reliability issue right now is probably that most of the networking code doesn't handle failure cases or include timeouts; lots of unwraps will need to be replaced with an actual error handling story. There are unsound .unwrap() calls in a number of places as well, and some of the most complex code (the persistent B-tree implementation in is not tested as well as it should be.


An immutable database patterned after Datomic







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