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Integrates (TEI) graphing through the jung2 and batik libraries into eXist-db.

Compile and install

  1. clone the github repository:
  2. edit and set exist.dir to point to your eXist-db install directory
  3. call "ant" in the directory to create a .xar
  4. upload the xar into eXist-db using the dashboard


We combine parts of the TEI namesdates module, like <listPerson> and <listOrg> with relations in <listRelation> elements to create graphs of relations between persons (cast and non-cast) and orgs or interaction on stage (cast only) sociograms.

Personal/organisational relations

Every <person> or <org> element can have zero to many relations based on IDREF.

if "svg" (SVG) is used as output type we differentiate between persons and organisations in the graphs by making the <person> nodes elliptic and the <org> ones rectangular.

Similarily cast persons have a solid node outline while non-cast persons have a dashed outline. This is based on the @type attribute on the outmost ancestor <listPerson> elements.

We have followed the default of three <relation> @type values “personal”, “social”, and “other”. These are represented by dashed, solid, and dotted edges respectively.


Sociograms are created dynamically and can be created based on any criteria of what constitutes interaction in your project.

These can also be weighted by giving a numeric value to the @sortKey attribute of the <relation> element.

Of course you can also create other types of graphs based on dynamic data.


There is currently one main function:

###graphing:relation-graph graphing:relation-graph($listPersons as element()+, $listRelations as element ()+) as node()

Serializes a relation graph based on provided persons/organisations and relations. All other parameters use default values.


$listPersons+ 	The tei:listPerson elements to create the graph from

$listRelations+ 	The tei:listRelation elements to create the graph from

Returns: node() : The serialized relation graph in default SVG output-type.

###graphing:relation-graph graphing:relation-graph($listPersons as element()+, $listRelations as element ()+, $configuration as element()) as node()

Serializes a relation graph based on provided persons/organisations and relations. All other parameters use default values if empty.


$listPersons+ 	The tei:listPerson elements to create the graph from

$listRelations+ 	The tei:listRelation elements to create the graph from

$configuration 	The configuration, eg &lt;parameters&gt;&lt;param name='output' value='svg'/&gt;&lt;/parameters&gt;.'.

Returns: node() : The serialized relation graph.

Configuration parameters

Configuration parameters can be given as a parameters element fragment, eg <parameters><param name='output' value='svg'/></parameters>. The current parameters are the following with the default given as first value:

  • output: values 'svg', 'graphml', 'gexf'.
  • svg-width: (for svg output) 960 if less than 28 vertices, 1200 if less than 56 vertices, 1600 if less than 83 vertices, and 2200 if more, integer value
  • svg-height: (for svg output) 600 if less than 28 vertices, 800 if less than 56 vertices, 1000 if less than 83 vertices, and 1400 if more, integer value
  • svg-useedgeweight: true, boolean value, use weight on edges to make them thicker if true
  • svg-showedgelabels: true, boolean value, show edge labels if true
  • dashedstrokeorgs: false, boolean value, use dashed stroke for organisations if true
  • edgeshape: values 'line', 'bentline' ('bent'), 'box', 'cubiccurve' ('cubic'), 'loop', 'orthogonal', 'quadcurve' ('quad'), 'simpleloop', 'wedge'.
  • layout: values 'frlayout' ('fr'), 'circlelayout' ('circle'), 'daglayout' ('dag'), 'isomlayout' ('isom'), 'kklayout' ('kk'), 'springlayout' ('spring'), 'staticlayout' ('static')
  • maxiterations (for frlayout): 700, integer value
  • repulsionmultipier (for frlayout): 0.75, double value
  • attractionmultiplier (for frlayout): 0.75, double value
  • maxiterations (for kklayout): 2000, integer value
  • adjustforgravity (for kklayout): true, boolean value
  • exchangevertices (for kklayout): true, boolean value
  • forcemultiplier (for springlayout): 1/3, double value
  • repulsionrange (for springlayout): 100, integer value
  • stretch (for springlayout): 0.7, double value
  • vertexlabelposition: values 'center', 'auto', 'east', 'north', 'northeast', 'northwest', 'south', 'southeast', 'southwest', 'west'.
  • vertexlabelpositioner: values 'inside', 'outside'
  • vertexfillpaint: values 'white', 'gender' (female=ff7f97, male=6c9cd1, other=ffffff genders white), 'age' (children=f9c05d, other=ffffff ages white), or any hexadecimal RGB colour value for all vertices.
  • removeunconnected: false, boolean value, remove unconnected group vertices from the graph if true
  • labeloffset: integer value.

Some of the values are not immediately meaningful but tries to mirror the jung2 values and thus might be removed in case they cannot be bootstraped in this context, eg options can be dependent on other options not implemented and so on.

Usage example

xquery version "3.0";
import module namespace graphing="";
declare namespace tei="";
let $doc := doc("/db/dramawebben/data/works/IndebetouH_IDetGrona/IndebetouH_IDetGrona.xml")
graphing:relation-graph($doc//tei:listPerson[not(parent::tei:listPerson)], $doc//tei:listRelation, <parameters><param name="output" value="graphml"/></parameters>)