Lixin Yang · Xinyu Zhan · Kailin Li · Wenqiang Xu · Jiefeng Li · Cewu Lu
This repo contains model, demo, training and test code.
Table of Contents
Following the Instruction to setup environment, assets, datasets and models.
The evaluation process is divided into two steps:
- dump the results from the hand-obj pose estimation (HoNet) and contact recovery (PiCR)
- optimize the poses using the contact based on grasping energy optimizer (GEO)
We provide a backup of our optimzation result at here.
The socres of following evaluations are provided in docs/scores.
# (optional) visualize the pose and contact prediction:
# the drawings are saved in `tmp/draw/honet+picr/fphab`
$ python scripts/ --cfg config/HONetPiCRPipeline_fphab.yml -g 0 -b 1 --callback draw
# 1. dump the pose and contact predictions:
# the predictions are saved in `tmp/pred/honet+picr/fphab/dumped_pred`
$ python scripts/ --cfg config/HONetPiCRPipeline_fphab.yml -g 0 -b 1 --callback dump
# 2. after dumping the results, fit pose using the grasp energy optimizer (GEO):
# the --data_prefix is the directory where dumped predictions are saved
# the optimized results are saved in `tmp/pred/honet+picr/fphab/optmized`
$ python scripts/ --cfg config/HONetPiCRPipeline_fphab.yml -g 0,1,2,3 -w 16 \
--data_prefix tmp/pred/honet+picr/fphab/dumped_pred
@note: HO3Dv2 will use the hand-obj pose estimation network in ArtiBoost.
Download the HO3Dv2 test set result at here, and put it in this porject as
# (optional) visualize the pose and contact prediction:
# the drawings are saved in `tmp/draw/artiboost+picr/ho3dv2`
$ python scripts/ --cfg config/HOPose_PiCRPipeline_ho3dv2.yml -g 0 -b 1 --callback draw
# 1. dump the pose and contact predictions (pose is from ArtiBoost model, contact is from PiCR):
# the predictions are saved in `tmp/pred/artiboost+picr/ho3dv2/dumped_pred`
$ python scripts/ --cfg config/HOPose_PiCRPipeline_ho3dv2.yml -g 0 -b 1 --callback dump
# 2. after dumping the results, fit pose using the grasp energy optimizer (GEO):
$ python scripts/ -c config/HOPose_PiCRPipeline_ho3dv2.yml -g 0,1,2 -w 12 \
--data_prefix tmp/pred/artiboost+picr/ho3dv2/dumped_pred \
--lambda_repulsion_loss 2.0
e.g. HO pose and contact prediction in ho3dv2 test set
visulize the optimization process using flag runtime_viz
. e.g. python scripts/ ... --runtime_viz
@note: We only provide the training code for the contact recovery network (PiCR).
For training the Hand-Object Pose Etimation (HOPE) network, please refer to handobjectconsist, or Semi-Hand-Object or ArtiBoost.
$ python scripts/ --cfg config/train_PiCR_fphab.yml -g 0,1 -b 48 -w 1 --eval_freq 100
$ python scripts/ --cfg config/train_PiCR_ho3d_mix.yml -g 0,1 -b 48 -w 4 --eval_freq 100
The results are saved at exp/defualt_{exp_time}/checkpoints/checkpoint/PiCRI.pth.tar
Once the traininig is done, you can modify the MODEL.PICR.PRETRAINED
value in config/xxxxPipeline_{dataset}.yml
to the saved checkpoint path, and evaluate the model again.
We provide a visualization tool to visualize the contact dataset, and a tool to create the contact annotation from existing dataset. Please refer to docs/contact_dataset.
We provide a pytorch MANO implementation: manotorch that provides the basic MANO layer:
Anatomical Consistent Basis | Anatomy Loss | Hand Pose Composition |
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If you find this work helpful, please consider citing us:
author={Yang, Lixin and Zhan, Xinyu and Li, Kailin and Xu, Wenqiang and Li, Jiefeng and Lu, Cewu},
title={{CPF}: Learning a Contact Potential Field To Model the Hand-Object Interaction},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
author={Yang, Lixin and Zhan, Xinyu and Li, Kailin and Xu, Wenqiang and Zhang, Junming and Li, Jiefeng and Lu, Cewu},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
title={Learning a Contact Potential Field for Modeling the Hand-Object Interaction},
keywords={Pose estimation;Task analysis;Grasping;Three-dimensional displays;Contacts;Semantics;Image reconstruction;Contact modeling;grasping pose generation;hand-object pose estimation},