##Play with 3D-Touch 玩儿转iPhone 3D-Touch
Support the newest Xcode7.3 and Swift2.2! 现已支持Swift最新版本 Xcode7.3 Swift2.2!
Welcome! This repo include three simple but fantasic demos using newest Cocoa-Touch 3D-Touch API and force sensor. I put all the demos' codes here for everyone to test and comment. If you find any bug, or have any suggestion, even brilliant ideas which can make this course better, please contact me:)
Personal Website: liuyubobobo.com
Email: [email protected]
Weibo: 刘宇波bobo http://weibo.com/liuyubobobo
Zhihu: 刘宇波 http://www.zhihu.com/people/liuyubobobo
大家好!The个项目包含了三个我制作的简单却又非常炫酷的小demo,都使用了苹果在iPhone 6S及iPhone 6S Plus中新引入的压力传感器。三个实例的详细介绍见下。欢迎大家下载、运行、测试、修改。同时,电子秤的示例被制作成了在线教育课程,发布在了直上网上,欢迎大家收看。如果你发现了任何bug,或者对课程中的任何内容有意见或建议,欢迎和我联系:)
电子邮件:[email protected]
微博: 刘宇波bobo http://weibo.com/liuyubobobo
知乎: 刘宇波 http://www.zhihu.com/people/liuyubobobo
##Introduction to the 3 Demos 示例介绍
The Above Scale App Demo GIF is cliiped from my online course based the same Demo - <Play with iPhone 3D-Touch>, which was published by 51zhishang(www.51zhishang.com).
上面的GIF动画展现了Scale(电子秤)Demo的运行效果。这段视屏截自我根据这个Demo录制的在线教育课程《玩儿转3D Touch》,由直上网发布。